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Map: Twin Lagoons v1.1

Maps » Twin Lagoons v1.1
Twin Lagoons v1.1


When the wind swelled up and the first dunes were formed on these abandoned twin lagoons nobody could have expected that two tribes, that are desperately searching for more resources to support there endlessly ongoing wars, would end up in this forgotten place at the same time and for the same well-known reason. Defend your transport lines or use ships to bypass the opponent. Then remove all enemy activity.

Comment by uploader:

Upgraded version for bzw6785 with the new type port spaces. This map is not compatible with the official build 17 release version and earlier. The terrain around the ports has been changed and is now always accessible for expeditions (without blocking trees). Licensed under the GNU General Public License V2.0.

Basic Information:

World: Greenland
Dimensions:192 x 128
Max. Players:2

7.50 (4 Votes) Please log in to vote.

Upload:by fk at 2013-10-01, 18:29
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Comments on this Map:


This map was upgraded because some ports could not be built on the older map if a newer release of the game had been installed. It's expected that this new map remains compatible with build18 and later.


Großartige Karte! Macht viel Spaß, aller dings habe ich zwei Sachen die man hinzufügen könnte! zum Einen, 2 zusätzliche Spieler und Zweitens wären etwas mehr Ressourcen (vorallem Kohle und Fisch) nicht schlecht. Ansonsten, wie gesagt, 'ne geile Karte!

..mehr davon face-grin.png


In my oppinion resources are too sparse. Last time my opponent couldn't find gold, so he lost (he couldn't build a port, nor trainingscamp). But the idea of the map is great!


Great fun and a chalenge to get enough resources


Karte gut-sehr gut aber leider nur 1 schwacher Gegner. Ich finde die Ressourcen ausreichend. Am Anfang ist alles da und mehr holt man sich über Seefahrt.

fk: can you make a new map with 4 enemys ???

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