Map: Unreal Waterflow

Maps » Unreal Waterflow
Unreal Waterflow


Some Barbarian Noble claimed ''Before I ever find a reasonablle Atlanter Water will flow Uphill'' some nights later he had an evil nightmare


Somhow things are the other way roud

Comment by uploader:

I am playing around with a kind of inverse Map where the Water is higher then the mountains. This is still in Progreess but maybe yoau can give me some comments ...

AND this Map needs a Version after build_ 20 thins a change around a Mosse / Elk whatever

Basic Information:

Author: Hasi50
World: One World
Dimensions: 128 x 128
Max. Players: 6
Downloads: 554
Comments: 4
Upload: by Hasi50 at 2019-08-10, 19:35
This map requires a version of Widelands build 21 or newer!
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Comments on this Map:


No building plots close enough to allow gaining territory when a port is successfully built. I built two ports on enemy territory and then was stuck!


No building plots close enough to allow gaining territory when a port is successfully built. I built two ports on enemy territory and then was stuck!


I fine tuned the mapp by now: check here: I hope at least the small Islands well be able to fnd a Port to conquer one of the Big Islands. Wind Condition shoud be Territorial Time or maybe Collectors or such, Autocrat will most likely not work.


Thank you. Your new map is an improvement as I have managed to conquer two other islands. I always play endless game (no fog) and keep going to I have conquered everything.

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