Map: World War I

Maps » World War I
World War I


Central Powers: Germany (blue), Astria-Hungary (red) Bulgaria (yellow), Ottoman Empire (green) Entente: Great Britain (orange), France (purple), Russia (black), Italy (white)


All neutral countries can also be conquered by you.

Comment by uploader:

After 2 Weeks working this World War One Map is finally finish. Hope you have fun with this Map face-smile.png

PS I am not the best in making maps - if they are to easy/hard you are allowed to edit them

Basic Information:

Author: Kaloco
World: One World
Dimensions: 512 x 512
Max. Players: 8
Downloads: 896
Comments: 4
Upload: by Kaloco at 2020-02-06, 16:51
This map requires a version of Widelands build 19 or newer!
Download this map

Comments on this Map:


why did you make a huge map and then used only a small part of it while making the rest unpassable?


When I wanted to design this map, I did not know how much space I would need. I found out in the end that I could not make it smaller. Because it was already finished, I didn't want to start from the beginning again.


With the editor in the latest development branch, maps can also be shrinked.


There is a flat mountain on the map.

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