News: News from development


News from development

Unfortunately Widelands-Development is not as transparent as a shop-window, so I decided to write a short summary for everyone of you, interested in this project.

About development:

Widelands sourcecode-development is making good progress. In the last four month (since release of build10) a lot of features (like autosave, fog of war, loading-screens and game-tipps) were added, further there were many improvements in the transportation-system, which now works much better.

The graphic-devs have done good work, too. Many new animated animals(like a fox, a wolf and a sheep), backgroundpics for the loadingscreen and a few improvements on tree stats were made (f.e. a few trees fall now, if they are chopped.)

The Changelog, which is updated from time to time can be found here

Further our homepage got a new style. And since a few days, there is a possibility, to check the current SVN-Commits from this page (look at SVN-View [disabled]). This hopefully makes our project a bit more transparent to all people searching for information on the current status.

0 comments Posted by Nasenbaer on 2007-07-19, 18:00

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