News: Build-11rc released!

Build-11rc released!
We are proud to announce the immediate availability of the release candidate for build-11 of Widelands. Head on over to the Download section for a fresh dose of Widelands.
This release candidate is a preview to the upcoming build-11, which is scheduled for release on September 9th. We strongly encourage all of you to help test this release candidate and report any bugs you encounter.
Build-11 represents a huge leap forward for Widelands, with many new features and a large number of improvements to gameplay. Among the new features are fog of war, autosaves, replays of entire games and a new campaign interface.
Continue reading for the full release statement:
The Widelands Development Team is proud to announce the immediate availability of the release candidate for build-11 of Widelands. Widelands is a Free, cross-platform strategy game in which players control the fate of a small tribe that can grow into a big empire, in a style of play that is unique in the open source world, and will remind players of Settlers II by !BlueByte. More information is available on AboutWidelands.
Widelands uses SDL as graphics and input library and is currently available for Linux/x86, Windows (32-bit) and in source code. Both binary and source packages are available at the Download section or directly from the Sourceforge-mirrors
Simply download the binary package for your operating system and run the widelands executable! If your operating system is not supported, download a source package and try to compile it for yourself. See the homepage for the libraries you need to have installed.
If you like what you see, please register and shout out somewhere in the forums. We especially welcome every helping hand, even if you just want to contribute by helping us find bugs. If you want to take part even more in the further development of Widelands, you can subscribe to on to keep up with development on a daily basis.
All releases are announced on the widelands-announce mailing list. Please visit if you want to receive email announcements of future releases.
0 comments Posted by ixprefect on 2007-09-02, 22:50
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