News: Widelands in German LinuxUser 04.2008

Public Relations

Widelands in German LinuxUser 04.2008

Widelands was currently reviewed in the German !LinuxUser magazin. The article - three A4 pages - was mainly focused on "how to play" widelands and explained the game-principle to the reader.

Unfortunally Build12 was a bit to late, so their article was based upon Build11 and they also released the magazin with Build11 on their CD. However, they added the url to our homepage to the article, so all readers interested in widelands will hopefully find their way to our website and so find Build12

But of course criticism was written down as well. One point the author noted was, that widelands kicks up the CPU-usage to 100%, which of course should be fixed in future and already is present on our feature request list ( FR #1002510 ). Further he noted, that Network seems unusable until now - well unfortunally he was right, as network didn't work in Build11 - another point, why we should hope that their readers will find their way to Build12.

Update: The complete article can be found online at LinuxUser archive

0 comments Posted by Nasenbaer on 2008-04-08, 17:00

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