News: Testing network-gaming


Testing network-gaming

In last time we got a big step closer to a good and stable network support. So to hunt down remaining bugs, we welcome everyone to play a bit with us over internet today (Saturday 15th March). If you've got a bit of free time and you feel like you could play a bit, just meet us on IRC - the easiest way for doing so is to click on IRC-Chat in Mainmenu - alternatively you can join #widelands on with your favourite IRC-client.

So how to play and test the network-support?

First of all you need an up to date version. For Linux, BSD and !MacOS X users this might mean, that you need to download sources and compile them yourself -> Take a look here.

For windows-users, there is an often updated SVNBuild on And finally you need to open ports 7394, 7395 and 7396 in your firewall, since those are used during playing. Than just start widelands, change to multiplayermenu and either start a game yourself or enter the IP of a known host and connect this way.

For any questions, just meet us on IRC - Looking forward for a nice game to day

0 comments Posted by Nasenbaer on 2008-03-15, 09:50

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