News: !WiHack 2010


!WiHack 2010

People, we have some exiting news today:

Announcing the !WiHack - Widelands International Hacking and Coding (in) Karlsruhe 2010

For the first time in its existence, the widelands community - that is players and developers - will meet in persona. The meeting is in Karlsruhe - in the middle of Germany - from the 2nd to the 5th of January 2010. The participation is free of charge and everybody is welcome to join in.

We will use those 4 days to play widelands together and hack on it to advance its development.

All information - from organisational issues to projects we want to tackle - can be found in the wiki at: WiHackTwentyTen.

These are exiting times indeed. I hope a lot of you consider joining; if you consider coming, please feel free to add yourself to the Wiki page. I hope that we get enough people to make a widelands tournament there: I will take the winner to lunch.

I am so looking forward to meet you and the whole crew I only knew by email so far face to face at the !WiHack 2010!

0 comments Posted by SirVer on 2009-12-05, 12:57

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