News: Build14: Feature freeze

Feature Freeze

Build14: Feature freeze

Feature freeze for Build14 takes effect today.

From now on, until after the final release no new features are accepted. This time frame is thought for bug fixes, translation updates and last graphic and sound additions.

If you want to help to translate Widelands to your mothertounge, please start as soon as possible.

The release candidate will be packed around 4th of july.

9 comments Posted by Nasenbaer on 2009-06-20, 21:42

Comments on this Post:


quietly waiting


waiting too


for the rc to be packed face-wink.png


ye I understood that the hmm? was like clearing the throat (like where is already :P,but without being so rude as to say it :P)


Sigra is on, maybe its coming;)


@Elderbree & lubos: ah, ok face-smile.png


There's been some battling with certain release-stopper bugs; the last word about the RC schedule I saw on the IRC channel was "btw. RC next weekend?" "only if bug #2818677 is fixed".

The version control system's getting lots of commits lately so battle rages on. Probably also why it's so quiet here. face-smile.png

Here's a link to the bug in question; now we can all stare at it furiously until it's closed. face-wink.png


Okay mostely official statement:

kataja is right! face-smile.png

That's it face-wink.png

We are coming nearer to our goal face-smile.png

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