News: Wi Hack Day 1


Wi Hack Day 1

The !WiHack has just begun! So far we are only three people: Peter (Nasenbaer), Erik (Sigra) and myself (Holger). But we are already hard at work: Nasenbaer started working on the Metaserver, Erik and I started to work on the homepage. I want to make it easier to access for new users. Later on, I will start to fix bugs and work on features. I'll also try to keep you update throughout the day.

Update at 14:21

The alpha homepage is now updated to the new website scheme. I will update the main page soon which will basically mean some downtime for the homepage. We are now already 5 people hacking away: Andi is working on the donkeys and Hannes is checking out cmake as an alternative build solution. Nasenbaer is working on some features for ggz to enhance the mulitplayer experience. Erik is currently eating pizza. And I'll grab a fast coffee right now!

Update at 18:20

In the meantime, Timo has joined us. He will work on a scout. Meanwhile, I crashed and rebooted the homepage and it's working again. Hopefully for you there shouldn't be any difference. Soeb and Janus joined the wihack remote and are working on the homepage with me. Erik is reviewing the latest battlecode by raul. We are rocking.

Update at 19:50

Soeb and Janus are hard at work: Janus reworked the profile editing on the homepage (already on line), Soeb reworked the streams and fixes bugs. I do the same. Meanwhile Timo (Timow) has arrived at the wi hack and joins andi in working on the donkeys. Still rocking.

Update at 22:18

Alright, some Photos this time:

Nasenbaer_Timo Erik Andi_Timow Hannes Tobias SirVer All_together

From left to right, top to bottom you can see: Timo working on Scouts and Nasenbaer working on savegame transfer for the network code. Then we got Erik happily hacking on the battle code. Next image is Andi and Timow working together on donkeys (and advancing). Hannes is still hacking on CMake building; he was tracking an evil bug for the last three hours and happily found it now. The next image shows Tobias working on conformity and compatibility of the homepage layout. Next image is me taking a self shot. In the background and the last picture you can see our hacker cycle working hard. Okay, back to coding.

You can find all photos in big here

4 comments Posted by SirVer on 2010-01-02, 11:31

Comments on this Post:


Hi Wihackers! I have lot of envy to all of you face-wink.png

Who is working on doing the 'metatribe' and put wares on world level? I would like to help here.


nobody is working on that, but the attack code needs some fixing as well face-wink.png face-tongue.png


I recieved the message, but need to see the game to find out where the crash is.


Hey guys! Great meeting, keep us updated. Wish I was there too face-wink.png

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