News: Wi Hack Day 2


Wi Hack Day 2

Day two of the !WiHack. We have some accomplishments already. There is a new SVN branch that contains a prototype CMake system which goes through heavy testing now. I just saw a scout going berserk on Nasenbaers laptop. The donkey code is compiling and linking but doesn't work properly yet. We fixed ~15 bugs on the homepage so far....

Update at 2:33 (Nasenbaer)

And they are scouting and scouting and scouting! Nice! face-grin.png


At the moment just Timo (timowi) and me (Peter = Nasenbaer) are left at the Entrophia. But I am sure the others will return early at morning again face-wink.png

Update at 4:36 (Nasenbaer and Timowi)

A picture says more than words face-wink.png - it's more than a proof of concept!


My much to late update face-wink.png at 16:30 (Nasenbaer)

Okay I was pushed to again update the blog. So what are we doing at the moment? Andi and Timowi are working to get the "donkey" feature work as it should, Erik is working on getting the Donkey "recruting" feature ("donkey breeder"...) working. In the meantime Holger works on a lua implementation for campaign scripting and tries to motivate Timo to implement Seafaring (unfortunally he's not really good in it face-wink.png ). Hannes improves cmake support on and on and already committed some test stuff to a seperate svn branch, Hanna translated a bunch of strings for German and French translation... and I? Well let's name it "checking the possible ways to transfer savegames via network"... but okay to be serious I am not really far yet. face-wink.png

That's it for now. Let's hope we have some more valueable stuff to post next time.

0 comments Posted by SirVer on 2010-01-03, 01:25

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