News: WiHack 2010 Reloaded


WiHack 2010 Reloaded

It's offical now!

The next WiHack will happen from the

29th October (late evening) - 1. November 2010 at the Entropia e.V.

We will play and program on widelands. Everybody is invited and as before, attendance is free!

Further information is available here; keep up to date:

  • Wiki Page: WiHackTwentyTenReloaded
  • Forum Post: clicky

It will be awesome and there will be a tournament too this time (this time for real, more information coming soon).

4 comments Posted by SirVer on 2010-09-05, 21:45

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Yay! I will see you there, looking forward to that...


face-sad.png cant travel.


I hope to be there, too, if my work allows that. It is still a good amount of time for me to organize :-) I guess my main goals there would be a little chatting and laughing ('being social'), and maybe finding someone with a Mac to have a few looks regarding CMake face-grin.png

And I did not forget that I promised to bring a Bottle of my favourite Whisky. If I reserve my current taste, it will be Lagavulin, Edradour or Laphroaig.


id and comment of funker removed.

They going through a lot of hoops just to spam us. They are in fact real people and no bots. Sad indeed.

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