News: Work on the homepage


Work on the homepage

Maintenance Work on the Page

I will be working on the homepage on and off during the next few days. There are substantial changes ahead - but some are only partly visible to you. Nevertheless, I will have to juggle around with settings and with the website itself, therefore expect out times and hiccups in the next few days. I will keep this post updated with new information as they arise. Sorry for the inconvenience face-sad.png

Update: A massive updates was rolled for testing to Please take it for a spin there! Note: the data is not the same, but the engine is the same, so write some forum posts please, edit some wiki pages and report errors. I will roll this update to the main site tomorrow, Friday 26th August. Expect some downtime and funny errors.

Update: The transition has been finished and the update has been rolled to the main site. Hopefully no nasty bugs show up, but if so, please inform me ASAP.

1 comment Posted by SirVer on 2011-08-24, 13:50

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I like the change to the "Most recently posted" frame. Now it appears that it won't be inundated with multiple posts to the same thread. Nice. face-smile.png

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