News: First-snow feature freeze is now in place!

First-snow feature freeze is now in place!
First snow feature freeze
Friends, today we come one step closer to the release of build 16. Today is the last day that new features can go into widelands for build 16. From then on, it is only bug fixing and testing.
We have a multi stage release cycle with widelands which we are still perfecting. See ReleasingWidelands for the details. The feature freeze that takes place today is the First-Snow Feature freeze. That means the following rules are in place right now:
- No new features
- No style fixes
- No changes to campaigns/maps
- No new tagged strings
- Only minimal invasive bug fixes
The idea is that translators and graphic/media people can still contribute content for build 16 till Winter-Time feature freeze (which will happen as soon as all bugs are closed or re-targeted, see the status page for build 16 on launchpad. The winter-time feature freeze will then lead to a release candidate.
So, if you ever dabbled with the thought of helping out translating widelands, do so now as the strings are fixed and won't change till build 16.
Regular test games
This leads us to testing, testing and more testing. Help is appreciated: The team meets up on weekends in the IRC Channel (#widelands on freenode). We will always play the latest development snapshots, so you have to make sure to stay up to date. Please join and to find the bugs we have to kill before we can release build 16.
1 comment Posted by SirVer on 2011-02-21, 12:56
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