News: Play day


Play day

Official Play day

hjd suggested to hold another play day and - you know what? - he is right about that. Too long have we not played together and that is what this is all about, isn't it?

Following his suggestion, the next official play day will be on Saturday 30th July. We will be playing build-16 so anyone can join in the fun. Meeting place is like always the IRC Chat. If you are planning to join, just leave a comment to this news item or voice yourself in the forum thread.

15 comments Posted by SirVer on 2011-07-13, 10:03

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Jippie!!! Oh wait... 30th... *think - ohhhhnooooooo! I have to help my brother moving into his new house. :-( Not the same fun like playing Widelands, but analog (and much heavier!).


LAZA: I'm sorry. As I posted in the forum, no matter which date you pick it will always be someone who can't make it. Based on what I have seen on other forums the best way seems to be just picking a date rather than trying to decide on one, because it is nearly impossible to find a date which fits everyone. Though, based on the outcome, my hope is that we can have events like this more regularly. So hopefully you will be able to join next time. face-smile.png

Oh, and look on the bright side; after carrying stuff back and forth for a while you should be reinforced by oxen which will help you carry the heavier stuff. That's how it works right? :p


Let's fight begin !


Hi, I'm new to widelands. My friend and me will join this event, too.


Count me in! It's been too long since I last played.


Can you please explain me, what exactly is meant by meeting place is the IRC Chat. Does it mean there is no start time, you have to go into irc for good luck and hope that the game hasn`t just started? Or does it mean you have to be in irc all day long waiting for the comment we start in 10 minutes. I'm sorry, but I don't understand it right now, because I'm new and I've never been planning a game with others via IRC. Please write a short comment how you do it or how it works in general. Thanks.


IRC is basically just a form of chat. So as such it isn't really a part of playing the game, but it is a nice place to get in touch with other players (and some of the developers) when planning a game (or if you have questions). You can think of it as a room full of people. Just say hi, and someone will probably notice (though please note that since it tends to be a bit "quiet" it may take a while before people check if someone has said anything). Then if someone reply feel free to agree on a time when you both can play. Or discuss some aspect of the game/strategies/etc. See you tomorrow face-smile.png


That's a very good question MACGYVER, especially because there is no meeting time defined. However I think there will probably be more than just one game, therefor you best enter IRC chat as soon as you have the time and like to play (or perhaps even a bit before, so you can announce that you would like to play in xyz minutes). All interested players will hopefully write back whether and when they could join a game - but be aware, that IRC basically means "being idle" - nobody checks the irc chat every second, therefor it might be, that it takes some minutes until someone notices your post and answers it.

Ahh and to fasten things on irc, you can "highlight" a person (some irc programs play a sound once the user is highlighted, other just show an onscreen display...). So if you see one of the people from the comments here, just write there names and send them to the chat - hopefully that gives your messages faster attention face-smile.png


I know my post is not simple, but I cross my fingers for you, that you'll find some people to play very fast :).

And perhaps someone will even write the times here from when on (s)he will be online and be available for games.


ok, thanks for that. so another newcomer and me will be probably ready for a game at 2 pm.


middle-european-time face-wink.png


There seemed to already be played several games today. After some difficulties in opening and joining the game, we played a 4 players winterland game. It was my first internet game with the win condition "collectors". Great! War has a new position in this win condition: it is luxury because it costs weapons that could count for points. So most time of the game, it is not reasonable to attack each other. But military remains a important because the possibility of attacking another's warehouse or gold mine is a very big threat. We were 3 barbarians and one atlantean (Macgyver) who ruled from the beginning. He had so many points that we could only see the differences between the 3 other players in the points statistics when switching his color off... It was fun to play! And it has a certain addictivity!


Concerning the "difficulties in opening and joining the game": It seemed (so am not sure) to me as if either the metaserver did only send the ip of the first open server for each registered server (unlikely) or the client did use the ip of the first known server for each server... Hope to find the time to take a look into it soon.


I wrote a short summary of the games I played yesterday, but it was too long for the comments here, so I posted it (in the forums)[]


Couldn't make it this time around :(... all my free time currently goes into preparing for a job interview. Hope to be able to play next month!

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