News: Widelands @CCC Camp


Widelands @CCC Camp

Widelands at the CCC Camp 2011

There will be a CCC Camp this year! What is a CCC Camp? Well, it means camping with a lot of people all driven and fascinated by technology.

And what has this to do with Widelands? Well, we are around. At least some of the community will be there. I had little time, so I was unable to organize a official Widelands area. But I have a very big tent and every Widelander is welcome in and around it. I will arrive Wednesday night or Thursday morning and be around till Sunday evening.

If you plan to attend, please leave a comment to this post. Make sure to be in our IRC Chat so we can coordinate social interaction!

0 comments Posted by SirVer on 2011-07-27, 11:58

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