News: Feature freeze for build16-rc1

Feature Freeze

Feature freeze for build16-rc1

Build16-rc1 is around the corner

The last bug that was targeted for build 16-rc1 has been fixed today! We can therefore go forward with the release. The next step is the final feature freeze which was fixed for 28th March. So you have one more week to translate widelands in your own language. Congratulations to the German, French and Dutch translator team which have already reached 100%!

One week later, on 4th April the release candidate will be made public.

Testing and having fun

Next weekend, we will put the current trunk version through its paces again to make sure that there are no critical bugs. We will play on 26th and 27th March using the current trunk revision (r5891 or later). Please grab a nightly build or build widelands yourself and join in. You can meet us in the IRC Channel and on the game server. Please also comment here if you plan to join in and when.

I am so excited! I am looking forward to another play day because this is always good fun and I am so proud of build 16 already, so I cannot wait to show it to the world! The widelands community is just the most awesome thing ever and keeps making widelands better and better.

Update: Feature freeze is now in place! One more week, folks. Keep playing and testing trunk!

Update: We will play some more this weekend, meet us in the IRC Channel on most of saturday and sunday!

13 comments Posted by SirVer on 2011-03-19, 16:34

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I will attend on saturday late afternoon or evening and on sunday the whole day. All in MET. Looking forward to it!


Very nice! I've updated the latest trunk win32 version with Jari'S SDL.dll, so the mouse pointer bug should be gone:

I'll also provide a current build for the the next weekend...


Very nice :). I am still busy learning for my exams, however maybe I can take some hours for a nice game face-smile.png


My personal goal is to finish the build helper icons for the build 16. face-wink.png


fraang, one more week to go face-smile.png


Thanks Tino for the trunks build!

I'm sadly part the same fate as Nasenbär and must/have to learn... But german translation seems done face-wink.png


Sadly to say, I have to finish a term paper by now and will take part in a workshop over the mentioned weekend. But, a friend of mine and I tested 5891 in a local shared kingdom game last week on a modified big lake map: He an me played shared blue and red versus six shared normal barbarian kis, whome start positions were put near together, they connected and even produced about 100 soldiers. face-smile.png I still love widelands!


Yeah my goal is achieved! Time to finish the next part. face-wink.png


Yep, yep. Just finished a cool, nice little Collectors game on Ancient Sun of Fire. We started out with 5 humans and 3 AI, after roughly one hour one of us had to change location. So we saved and loaded the game with one more player taking over for one AI. The game was played till the end without hiccups and it was a good test as well: we had Mac, Linux and Windows boxes and 32bit and 64bit boxes and pretty much all features of the game were exercised.

That is, build16-rc1 can be tagged tomorrow, no problems.


Found just now a new build for Windows: bzr5896.

For all those who are interested in playing at this weekend with the latest release.

Appraisal to Tino!


SirVer: Did something happen that tagging of build16-rc was not done?


Dude, it is 8:30 in the morning :). I will tag build 16 today, I promise.


No hurry face-wink.png . Just wondered, because you wrote "tomorrow" last sunday...

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