News: Wihack Blog: Second Day


Wihack Blog: Second Day

Second day, wrap up

Here we go again folks: today was a good day for widelands. We got a bunch of bugs fixed (13 are down in total now). And we got a few new features: nomeata and shevonar worked their ways through a number of bugs and worked on new features like the cool plot time slider...

ixprefect is still working on the ships. They are now so close to actually drive between harbors. Still, a long way is yet to go.

Kristin continued here work on the maps and she is nearly through with all of them.

And me? I finished the dismantle site today. There will no longer be any hard deadlocks in widelands: you can now also deconstruct an already finished building and get half your resources back. I also fixed a bad performance regression I introduced yesterday - that's what I call an employment-creation measure.

The things that happen here already whirl together... I hope I will be able to produce a valid list of things we achieved here on the wihack 2011. One thing is sure already: we didn't slack and have quite something to show already.

2 comments Posted by SirVer on 2011-11-06, 01:14

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Will there be a new release by Tino for Windows-Users to test the improvements after the Wihack?

Thanks for you great work, boys and girl! You and I know, the community will love this and can't wait for 17 (still underage) but highly matured.



I guess so. Note that there has been two Windows builds today, including r6081 which until 15 minutes ago were the latest revision as well.

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