News: Widelands Vacations


Widelands Vacations

Some personal news

I have great news: I am done with my last job and I have free time till September to do whatever I want! Isn't that awesome? And because I do not know how much I will be able to invest into Widelands when I start my next job, I want to spent some time working on it in these months: I plan to invest at least two hours a day, six days a week into Widelands for the foreseeable future. There are a lot of ideas and projects floating in my head currently: better text rendering, better help system, stackable animations, seafaring, atlantean scenario number 2, editor improvements, helping shevonar with the new site.... But I will start out by tackling the text rendering and the help system. This basically goes hand in hand.

I will be writing a kind of progress report/diary on my personal blog around once or twice a week. I put this on my personal blog because I feel that the stuff is too technical for this news feed. Everybody is invited to to join me there!

1 comment Posted by SirVer on 2012-06-04, 10:55

Comments on this Post:


Hello Holger,

great to read that you are going to spent more time on Widelands in the next months!

I'm especially keen on seeing the seafaring system extended being able to build a new harbor on a foreign island or even to be able to attack enemy harbors.

But I'm looking forward to any further developing as Widelands really is a great game!

Maybe I'll be able to contribute some more code lines in the future, too.

Best regards Andreas

P. S.: congratulations for finishing your dissertation! face-smile.png

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