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Widelands featured by Tomdotio

Widelands on Tomdotios Channel

Tomdotio is a well known Let's-player on !YouTube. That is, he showcases and plays games, comments on them and gives his impressions and opinions. He is very good at what he does and has therefore gained himself a loyal community watching his work.

Very recently, he invited me to sit down for a game of Widelands. We shared a kingdom and chatted about the game, the Widelands community and the development process. The final video was very skillful edited by him and turned out to be quite entertaining. But do not take my word for it, see for yourself:

Disclaimer: Tomdotio is producing in German only - the videos are German as well. If some English speaking !YouTuber is interested in doing the same in English, I am all for it!

1 comment Posted by SirVer on 2012-09-01, 20:38

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Very nice let's play. :) Took me some days until I found a complete hour of time to watch it in full length, but it was worth the wait :).

It would of course be nice to see more of those in the next time.

Thanks timdotio and SirVer

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