News: Third Widelands Tournament Announcement


Third Widelands Tournament Announcement

We are glad to announce the third Widelands Tournament: WL Tournament 2013! It will take place from 23rd September till 3rd November.

Everyone is invited to take part, beginners as well as pros. Just have fun playing Widelands together! For all information about dates and rules see the wiki page WLTournamentTwentyThirteen. For questions look in the corresponding forum thread or contact Kristin who volunteered again to run this tournament.

As before this tournament is about testing as much as it is about playing. Therefore we will provide development snapshots leading up to build 18 which are to be played in the tournament. But having fun is even more important of course.

0 comments Posted by SirVer on 2013-07-31, 19:45

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