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Homepage Server move

Server will move soonish

We are moving servers and redecorating the homepage in the process - the process will be ongoing for a few weeks and the site will not be available at all times during this. You will know when we're done immediately :).

Update: Server move is practically done - the whole site is still pretty fragile. So Please report all errors to SirVer on sight.

Update: The site is now pretty stable, all known bugs have been fixed. We will continue some maintenance work, but in general all things work again and we all can enjoy the shiny new features that the site provides. We need the help of the community to finish up the rework of the wiki. Please head over to the Wiki Todo page, pick something to work on and work on it :).

Update: The site was down for a few hours today - we converted the database and the process went not as smoothly as initially planned. Everything is fine again and you can use all international characters everywhere in the comments and the wiki: камень face-smile.png

0 comments Posted by SirVer on 2013-06-08, 22:31

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