News: Chuckw stepping down

Chuckw stepping down
Farewell to Chuck
Last week, our elder of graphics chuckw contacted me and informed me that he could no longer be our elder of graphics. He wrote this for the community:
Dear Fellow Widelanders,
I am writing to say something I hoped I would not have to say for a long
time yet to come.
I regret to announce that I am stepping down as Elder of Graphics for
This comes unexpectedly and unwelcome to me. Recent developments in my
personal life now impose severe limits on my ability to participate at the
level an Elder should to be effective.
I have truly loved every moment I have spent with the project and I will
sorely miss continuing at this level of involvement with it and with you.
Widelands is a wonderful project that upholds high standards both
technically and morally and I thank you, the community of developers and
users, for the opportunity to be a small part of it for a while. In spite of
my shortcomings, you have all afforded me gracious and patient support for
which I will always be grateful. I have truly enjoyed working with each and
every one of you and wish you all continued success with Widelands and
wherever life may take you.
Though I cannot continue at the same degree of involvement, I do hope to be
able to check in on you from time to time and, who knows, maybe even
contribute in some fashion. Time will tell.
For now, I must say "farewell", but I refuse to say "Good bye", so consider
yourselves warned. :)
Yours very truly,
Chuck Wilder
Chuck made his first commit to trunk on the first of April 2010 - and it was no Aprils fools joke. He learned to work with our tools from scratch: the source code repository system bzr, the 3D modeler blender and launchpads many features and subtleties - not to mention all of our internal logic that relates to graphics and images. He has done outstanding work for Widelands regarding both quality and quantity in the last 3 years and the amount of polish he put into all of the 3D graphics in the game is nothing short of breath taking.
I am so sad that his involvement with Widelands must be reduced - but I understand his reasons very well. Chuck, in the name of the community: thanks for all the work you did for us! Looking forward to seeing you around.
2 comments Posted by SirVer on 2013-05-30, 15:39
Comments on this Post:
Kristin |
Thanks for the many many cute graphics you made! They really contribute a lot to the pleasure of playing the game. When one has built an economy, one tend to be proud of all this tiny working men (and women) whizzing around. It's your merit that we can enjoy this wusel factor! |
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The graphics of widelands has improved a lot in the last couple of years. Thank you chuckw for your great work!