News: Tournament 2013 Winner


Tournament 2013 Winner

The chief of seafaring is.... Mars!
The final game was on the map Fellowships with the win condiction Territorial lord. Mars hold more of 50% of the land because he conquered more port spaces than his also strong opponent dershrimp - so it was really the seafaring which made the small difference in the end. Congratulations!
You can download the replay here.

I want to thank all participants for their fair and engaged playing! It‘s amazing that we could make a tournament with 16 players (The first two tournaments were with 8 players). And there were really exciting games! I hope you had some fun playing.

I‘m looking forward to the next tournament!

6 comments Posted by Kristin on 2013-11-26, 21:37

Comments on this Post:


Congratulations to Mars!!! And also to the runner up, dershrimp. I saw (and participated in) some really nice games this tournament and had tons of fun. Also, the tournament showed plenty of bugs that we needed to get fixed till b18 (still working on that end). So I'd say the tournament was a big success! Thanks for organizing it again, Kristin!


Congratulations to Mars! It was a really tight final. There was no doubt that the decision was going to be made in with the free ports to conquer. So we both trained our speed to get ready the first and second expedition. We both were one or two minutes slower in the final than in our training. At the end it was a really a question of seconds who will arrive first (have a look at the encounter of our boats at first expedition!). A wrong decision to which port tu head with my second expedition led to result that he conquered both, the 3rd and 4th port. The decision was made. Some 30 minutes after the start. Exciting! Really exciting was also the epic semi-final game vs apo!!! Thqnk you for that 6 and a half hour run! All other games were really fun as well. A nice tournament.

Thank you a lot for theborganisation, Kristin!

Cheers, dershrimp


Thanks to Kristin for organising and the testers and bugfixers - with SirVer doing a large part of them - for helping make a great tournament. It was enjoyable and exciting to participate in. Mars: We demand an action shot once you get the t-shirt!


thanks, the tournament was fun :) I am not really photogenic, but I try my best!


As promised, here is a photo :)


It was also very funny when two of the boats were travelling to the opposite directions face-smile.png I was watching the last match as an observer. It was very funny and exciting in one time! Waiting for the next tournament! face-smile.png

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