News: WL Tournament 2015


WL Tournament 2015

Dear Widelands Players!
There will be a tournament in the new year! It will be a Team Tournament, so every game is a 2 vs 2.
All information are listed on the wiki site WLTournamentTwentyFifteen.
Please registrate until January 4th.
For questions please contact me: Kristin
I am looking forward to many exciting games as in the past tournaments!
Greetings! Kristin

6 comments Posted by Kristin on 2014-12-17, 19:25

Comments on this Post:


We have 17 registrations for the tournament. Great that there are so many!

But as an odd number of participants is not possible, I extended the registration period until january 6th. Is there anyone else who wants to play?

If it remains an odd number of participants, I can participate as a player too.


When can we start playing? face-smile.png


You can start right now! The bracket is available here


Because of a too slow internet connection cghislai cannot play in the tournament. We need somebody to replace him! Do you want to participate in the tournament? Then please send a PM until next Sunday (February 8th) to me: Kristin


@Kristin: I postet this on FB, maybe somebody will check in as an replacement...


We need another team mate replacement again. Do you want to play in Team C? Then please send a PM until next thursday (March 12th) to me: Kristin

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