News: New (old?) Elder of Graphics


New (old?) Elder of Graphics

Our former elder of graphics, chuckw followed through on his promise to be back one day. He recently started putting out formidable graphics for some of the barbarian buildings again. And now, he also volunteered again for the spot of elder of graphics.

As the elder of graphics, he is the one you need to be talking to if you are unhappy with anything visually in Widelands or want to contribute graphics in any kind of way. He will also monitor the graphics forum which is the place to discuss graphic development. Also, he will be administrating the widelands-media project on launchpad.

Welcome back, Chuck. We missed you!

Here is what he has to say:

Well, I “warned” when I left Widelands activity two years ago that it was not a
“Good bye.” I am very happy that I now have more opportunity to spend time with
one of my favorite communities. Widelands and Widelanders have always held a
special place in my heart.

My sabbatical from Widelands since 2013 included stepping away from graphics and
almost from computers altogether. Since that time, there has been much
advancement in Widelands and its development environment. So I am playing
“catch-up” and I think I am at a point where I can be useful to Widelands again.

I've been dismayed that the role of Graphics Elder has laid vacant for so long,
because there is so much work to do. That is why I have offered to undertake the
post of Graphics Elder again.

But I alone cannot do all that must be addressed. My skills and knowledge are
limited and we continue to look for help and expertise with a variety of the
visuals in Widelands.

Like I wrote when I first stepped up, “As your Elder of Graphics, I'll be here
to coordinate graphics development for Widelands and work with you. I'll serve
as a contact point for requests and questions, and to receive any suggestions
and finished works you may offer to contribute to the Widelands project.

"I look forward to working (and playing) with you and want to see any samples or
graphic contributions YOU may have to offer or point you to where we can use
your help.

"Together, let's make Widelands as graphically entertaining to the eye as it is
to play.”

Cheers! Chuck Wilder (chuckw)

3 comments Posted by SirVer on 2015-02-23, 07:29

Comments on this Post:


Great that you found some time to work on Widelands again. Your work has always been of the very best!


Great that you found some time to work on Widelands again. Your work has always been of the very best!

I can't agree more!

Welcome back, chuckw!


Very good face-smile.png

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