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Tournament round 6 is out

New round is out!


Map: two frontiers (autocrat)

Allotted time: start the game no later than 3 december, finish no later than 10 december (EDIT: I changed the dates because I was convinced that 30 november was sunday. As I posted this turn oon wednesday 22, by the rules the first deadline is two sundays later, and I miscounted the days)

  • | blue player| tribe|result|red player|tribe|time|time |-----------|------|---|-------|-------|---- 1 | worldsavior|ATL |1-0 |king of nowhere |ATL | Saturday, 2nd December at 8pm CET 2 | nemesis26| | 1-0|mars | | 3 | gunchleoc| BAR | 0-1 |einstein13 | EMP | Tuesday, 28th November, at 7:30 CET 4 | tando| BAR | 0-1 |kaputtnik | EMP | Wednesday 29.11.2017 - 19:30 pm (CET) 5 | trimard | ATL | 1-0 |Hasi50 | ATL | 6 | animohim|ATL |1-0 |LAZA |ATL | friday 8 december at 21

----------RANKING AFTER ROUND 5-----------

place player score bucholz match
1 worldsavior 5 13
2 king of nowhere 4 11
3 nemesis26 3 14 1/1
4 einstein13 3 14 1/2
5 mars 3 14 0/1
6 kaputtnik 2 16
7 trimard 2 14
8 tando 2 13
9 Hasi50 2 10
10 gunchleoc 2 2
11 LAZA 1 5
12 animohim 0 11

9 comments Posted by king_of_nowhere on 2017-08-31, 12:44

Comments on this Post:


The played tribes are missing for the game "animohim vs tando" face-smile.png


animohim: empire tando: barbarians

I hosted that match face-grin.png


The game einstein13 vs mars will take place tomorrow (September 5) at around 7:30 pm.


My game with Hasi50 is rescheduled to tomorrow.


The game mars - trimard ended with a win for me. However, we could not finish the game because of a desync/crash after about 3.5 hours game time.

To whom can I send the replay? Maybe someone who knows to debug the savegame could also take a look (we used build 19 and it crashed twice at about the same time).


those bugs are fairly common, especiially when there is a status report. Me and tando had to reload the game like 5 times because of crashes.

send the replay to me, my email address is already stated in all the tournament threads


my match against einstein13 will be played on Tuesday 7:30 PM CEST Spectators are welcome!


RSS feed is not updated - so i did not notice, that the 6th round is out!


The rss feeds are working. I guess king_of_nowhere did not updated the publish date and left the main header showing "Tournament round 5 is out".

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