News: 2017 tournament: and the winner is...


2017 tournament: and the winner is...


to the surprise of pretty much nobody. He was never significantly challenged through all the tournament.

See you, hopefully, next year, for a new tournament

EDIT: there is a correction, I accidentally inverted kaputtnik and trimard

----------RANKING AFTER ROUND 6-----------

place player score bucholz match
1 worldsavior 6 21
2 king of nowhere 4 20 1
3 nemesis26 4 20 0
4 einstein13 4 16
5 mars 3 22
6 kaputtnik 3 19
7 trimard 3 17
8 tando 2 19
9 Hasi50 2 16
10 gunchleoc 2 7
11 animohim 1 14
12 LAZA 1 8

9 comments Posted by king_of_nowhere on 2017-12-09, 11:41

Comments on this Post:


Congrats to WORLDSAVIOR and thanks to all participants, esp. KING for organizing the tournament!


Thank you face-smile.png

And congrats to you for being record participant of Widelands tournaments (together with SirVer, 4 of 6 participations)


A special price goes to tando in the category "best street network" :).


Why to tando and not to king_of_nowhere or me? face-wink.png


Congrats to the winner: woldsavior. Thanks to king for all the work... and the match... i will be in my memory for a long time.... Thanks for the nomination for "best street network" (@animonhim: I can offer you an course "building unexpected streets")


Thank you face-smile.png

"Course 'bulding unexpected streets'", lol


right. you are the only one who is not worldsavior to defeat me in tournament (technically also notabilis did it in a 2v2 match where he was with worldsavior, but I didn't even see him). I didn't expect you to lose all games after that


I didn't expect that neither. By the way, tando is also the only player in the ranking who never lost against me face-tongue.png


huh, get one position up face-smile.png

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