News: Economy Tournament 2018


Economy Tournament 2018

Einstein is organizing a tournament for us. The tournament is to measure how good your economy is. There will be no direct battles between players. So, it will be the first tournament about building, not destroying here. What are the basic rules?

You should start a single-player game with:

  • Map: The Nile (official version)
  • Starting position: #1 (blue), headquarters, tribe of your choice
  • Type of game: Endless game (no fog)

Your goal is to produce as much soldier power as possible. There will be several categories where you can win:

  1. Highest soldier power after 12 hours of the game
  2. Highest soldier power after 24 hours of the game
  3. Highest increase of soldier power between 12 and 24 hour of the game
  4. Highest number of level 10 soldiers after 24 hours of the game


2 comments Posted by GunChleoc on 2018-03-31, 08:48

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"So, it will be the first tournament about building, not destroying here."

all games are about building. destroying the opponent is merely a test to see which one of you built better


Here I agree with Einstein and GunChleoc. So far, all tournaments had been about destroying. One build there to destroy the opponents....

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