News: Screenshots Competition

Screenshots Competition
Since our screenshot on the homepage does not have the required aspect ratio for App Stores and nobody has the savegame any more, a screenshot competition to replace it should be a fun way to pass the time while we wait for the bugs for Build 20 to be fixed. This is how you can enter the competition:
- Get a current development version of Widelands. Savegames from Build 19 can't be accepted due to incompatibility.
- Create a fogless game that looks pretty. LAN mode will be best, because this way you can switch players to control what everybody's building
- Take a screenshot of the scene that you want, using
. See the Technical FAQ on where to find the file. - The screenshot should have a 16:9 aspect ratio, and should have a width that is no smaller than 620px. For more information on the format and further guidelines, visit and search the page for
. - Upload you screenshot and the savegame to our bug on Launchpad, and suggest a title for it. If you do not wish to register on Launchpad, you can also contact GunChleoc for an e-mail address to send your screenshot and savegame to, and she'll upload it to the bug for you.
All screenshots that are of sufficient quality will be published in our Screenshots section on the homepage. We will then pick one for the homepage when we release Build 20.
0 comments Posted by GunChleoc on 2018-10-23, 10:26
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