News: Widelands tournament 2019: the end


Widelands tournament 2019: the end

worldSavior confirms that he's our stronger player

i do a better job of defending my second place than I did the previous year.

the-x is the new revelation, with his early rush strategy.

thanks to all who participated

----------FINAL RANKING-----------

place player score bucholz match penalty
1 worldsavior 4.5 13.5
2 king of nowhere 4 17
3 the-x 3.5 16.5
4 mars 3 16.5
5 hessenfarmer 3 14.5
6 tando 3 14
7 kaputtnik 3 10.5
8 hasi50 3 9
9 ektor 2.5 9.5 1
10 modelllbahner 2.5 8.5 1
11 gunchleoc 2 15
12 trimard 2 13
13 watchcat 2 7
14 laza 1 12.5
15 janus 1 11.5

6 comments Posted by king_of_nowhere on 2019-05-25, 19:17

Comments on this Post:


Thanks a lot for organizing this!


Can we choose our tribe ?


of course you can. you choose it the moment you play. the rules contain more details about it


I think you made a mistake. Shouldn't it be: "janus 0-1 forfait" face-wink.png </irony>


Congratulations to all, and to WorldSavior!


Thanks to all, and to Einstein face-wink.png

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