Poll: Default Game Speed

9 comments, 40 votes Posted on 2019-11-09, 10:36

Comments on this Poll:


This poll is about the default speed (for example when you start a match), don't forget that the speed will stay flexible (you can still increase or decrease it).


I updated the Polls Header.


Okay. I cannot see this, because I've already voted face-wink.png


If we make the current 2x a new 1x, will there be a 1.5x, 0.5x, 0.2x, etc. as user-selectable options?


Well first and foremost, we need to know what the users think of the current implementation, that's what this poll is for. Everything else needs to be considered later on.


Why would you need a faster pace for 1x speed when you can throttle up but not down. Also i think first post is a bit misleading as its not possible to decrease speed or am I missing something? I often sigh for the lower speed when mass building and for that purpose pause just dont cut it for me face-sad.png


There is an open bug report for setting the speed lower than 1x.



how long are we going to run this poll?


Until the February 9th.

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