
Storyboard of the Empire-campaign

Heavily under construction - Nasenbaer

This is the storyboard of the Empire campaign. Its content and that of linked pages represent just an idea for the Empire campaign.

These pages are for developers, only. Players shouldn't read this pages, to save the fun of playing the campaign and reacting in the story.


Warning: You should now quit this page and do not read on! Otherwise your fun will be spoiled.

For all of you who want to know what's going on, well... let's open the book...

It would be nice if you could correct errors or write a little critic on the discussion page about each part of the story.

The red line

For those who don't want to read the whole story, I wrote a short summary . Furthermore there is a page about Empire protagonists , with pictures and short idea of the people acting in the campaign.

The campaign

The campaign will be split in two parts (like the Barbarian story).

First there will be a tutorial, but without introducing the game interface (We believe the player played the Barbarian tutorial before and knows, how to build a building, streets or flags).

In this part the empire-infrastructure will be introduced, as this is partly different to the Barbarian one.

The second part is named "Gazing for expansions". And leads the Empire to war against the Barbarians.

Main character of the Empire campaign will be Lutius, a young general.

More information about him can be found on the Empire protagonists page.

Empire Tutorials

  • The Strands Of Malac'Mor
    ** After loosing a strategic battle against the Barbarians, which leads to the loss of a bigger part of the Empire's territory, Lutius leaves Fremil, the capital of the Empire, on a small ship. He gets into heavy sea and has to land on a unknown desert strand.

  • An Outpost For Exile
    ** The second tutorial starts on a green Mediterranean island, which seems to be uninhabited. It describes the advanced infrastructure of the Empire.

  • EmpireStoryTheWayBackHome
    ** Just a short sequence at the end of 2nd tutorial, explaining how Lutius comes back to Fremil, to offer his help in defending the Empire, against the Barbarians.

Gazing for expansions

  • EmpireStoryTheCanyonsOfLumira
    ** Among the Mountains of Lumira, Lutius starts a little settlement, planing to invade the barbarian lands from this canyons.

  • EmpireStoryTheSwampsOfNindraka

Missions 5-10
Not planed by now, but will be added soon.

  • EmpireStoryNorthlights
    ** End sequence -> Lutius stands on the walls of Hareth'Kan and looks northwards to the wild waving northlights. He wonders whether there can be people living north from here -> Mark to the Northmen tribe face-wink.png
Tagged with: editor, game, Story