
This help explains all of the buttons and windows while playing widelands. Informations related to the main screen are stored in Gamehelpbasicinterface.

After starting a game, you see your headquarters in the centre of the screen and the landscape around it.

Basic functions

  • You can scroll in any direction by holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse in that direction.
  • You can close any window by right-clicking on it (except windows created by storyline).
  • You can move any window wherever you want to and minimize it to the window title by clicking with the middle button of the mouse on it. By clicking on the window title with the middle button of the mouse again you can expanded it. (Instead of the middle button of the mouse, you can use Ctrl + left click)
  • Place buildings, see : Buildhelp and Shortcuts below

At the screen's bottom, there are seven buttons:


Their meaning are explained in the chapters Options , Statistics , Minimap , Buildhelp , Ware Help , Objectives and Message Box .



Allows you to

  • Open readme wich contains some informations like Game control and Hotkeys
  • License
  • Authors
  • Sound options
    • En/disable sounds and in-game music
    • Adjusting the volume of music and sounds
  • Save the game
  • Exit the game



Opens a window with four buttons. Each of the button opens a new window with different statistics.


The Statistics are:

General Statistics

Shows different statistics of land, workers, wares, military force... You can switch on/off the display of the different players by clicking on the flags. The time buttons below modify the scaling of the statistic.

Ware Statistics

Shows a chart with all available types of wares below. By clicking on any wares, you can display the produced or consumed amount of them over time You can also see the economy health (production minus consumption) and the stock level. Use the time buttons to determine the period of time taken into account.

Building Statistics

Opens a list of all available buildings and shows the average productivity, how many of them you own and how many are in construction. Clicking a building allows you to jump either from one finished building of that type to another, from one unfinished building of that type to another or from one unproductive building of that type to another, depending on which arrows you use.


Displays the number of wares and workers currently in your economy (first + second tab) or in your warehouses (third + fourth tab). Note that wares existing in your economy are not necessarily available: They might be stored in a production building (e.g. gold in a helmsmithy).


Shows a mini-map, on which you can toggle on/off: terrain, conquered area, flags, roads, buildings, zoom (buttons from left to right, upper row first). Left-clicking the mini-map instantly moves your view to that position.


Switches on/off the buildhelp (Shortcut: Space) which shows the POSSIBLE buildings. They variate from the terrain and flags/ buildings/ immovables (trees, stones) in the proximity. To create a building, click on the icon and be sure to have a road to the construction site. The symbols have the following meaning:

set_flag_build18.png You can only build a flag here. This is needed at the beginning or end of a street, to create road junctions and to make sections of a street (every section has a carrier, so more sections mean better transport capacity).
menu_tab_buildsmall_build18.png You can build a small building here.
menu_tab_buildmedium.png You can build a small or medium building here.
menu_tab_buildbig.png You can build a small, medium or big building here.
menu_tab_buildport.png You can additionally build a port here.
menu_tab_buildmine_build18.png You can build a mine here. Be sure to examine the region with a geologist before building a mine.

Note that building icons hide the flag icon. It is sometimes possible to build a flag where a house can be built.

Another possility when clicking on a yellow flag/ red hut/ yellow house/ green tower/ hammer and hoe is to open a watch window: Click on the eye, then on the eye with arrows. The watch window allows you to observe a certain region of the map while you are elsewhere on the map. You can modify the observed region by scrolling normally (holding the right-click in the watch window and moving the mouse).

Ware Help

Displays a encylopedia of wares with explanations (click on a ware). It shows the needed wares for the production and which buildings produce the selected ware.



Opens a window which explains the win condition or in scenarios and tutorial the next objective to get further.

Message box

Here you get your news: new finished military buildings, findings of geologists, news of the tutorial/ campaign/ scenario, status information (for some win conditions). They are automatically sorted in categories. You can display news of only one category by clicking on the corresponding button on the top.
If the localizing button (in the top right corner) is active, you can directly jump to the region affected by the message by clicking the localizing button (short cut: G). To archive your messages, select them (checkbox at the beginning of the line) and click on the button with the red cross (shortcut: Del).


If you left-click on an existing flag a window opens with two tabs:

  • Build Road - here you can start building a road, destroy the road, modify the economy options or send a geologist
  • Watch - Possibility to observe the region in a new window, toggle show productivity on each building or toggle buildings names

Economy options

You get to the economy options when you left-click on an existing flag and chose the second button: 'Configure economy'. In the economy options, you can modifiy the target number of a ware that should be stored in (all) warehouses. For example, a bakery will produce bread as long as there are less breads in warehouses than the target amount for bread indicated in the economy options.

Send a geologist

You can order a geologist by left-clicking on an existing flag (which is connected to the economy with a road) and chosing the button at the right: ' Send geologist to explore site'. An old scientist then comes and investigates your terrain. When he finds water or other resources in the earth, he informs you with a message (message box) and a little sign on the point he found the resource. It is especially important to explore the mountain terrain before building a mine.
The different signs mean:

  • resi_00water.png water
  • resi_00iron.png iron
  • resi_00.png coal
  • resi_00gold.png gold
  • resi_00granite.png granite (Barbarians), marble (Empire), crystal (Atlanteans)


Button Effect
Space bar Show/Hide Build help
C Show/Hide the names of buildings
S Show/Hide the statistics for buildings
M Show/Hide the mini-map
N Show/Hide the news-box = message box
G Go to point of interest (when having opened the message menu)
DEL Delete the current message (when having opened the message menu)
O Show/Hide objectives (only in tutorials/ campaigns/ scenarios)
F Alternate between Window mode and Fullscreen
Home (Pos1) Centres screen on your HQ
CTRL+0 to CTRL+9 set landmark on the map location currently shown
** 0 to 9 ** jump to landmark
** . (period) ** jump to a recently visited location
** , (comma)** jump forward through the list of recently visited locations
Page UP/DOWN ** or ** fn + UP/DOWN Alter the game speed (Default speed is 1. Reducing it to 0 pauses the game, you may increase it up to a factor of >500 (depends of CPU power))
F11 Take a screenshot (it is saved into the Widelands directory as shotXXXX.bmp, where XXXX is the screenshot's number)
Enter Chat to other players
CTRL+S Save the game
CTRL+F10 Exit the game
CTRL + Build road (Menu) Build a road with flags
CTRL + Destroy this flag (Menu) Destroy this flag and all road segments and flags which would be a dead-end street after deleting this flag
Tagged with: game, help