
Frequent translation updates

The frequent translation updates are performed automatically by Bunnybot / a GitHub action every three days. Below is described how to perform an update manually, which should not normally be necessary.

Preparing for Transifex

This can only be done if you have appropriate powers in our Transifex project. Before you can get started, you will need to

Installing the Appstream Validator

During the translation update process, we also validate the debian/appdata.xml file. in order for this to work, you will need to install the appstream package.

Installing the Formatting Tools

sudo pip install pyformat
sudo apt install clang-format

Synchronizing the translations and updating the source code

A guide on how to set up new templates and push/pull translations is provided on the Transifex Docs page. For routine translation maintenance, these are the steps you will need to take:

  1. cd to trunk.
  2. Run utils/ This will pull current trunk and the translations from Transifex, update the developers list and appdata translations, then update and merge the translation catalogs and push everything to trunk and Transifex.

Validating translations

Once in a while, and during the release process , our translation validation script should be run. It is located in utils/

You will need the i18nspector and translate-toolkit packages to run this.

The result should be checked and issues that might be false positives passed on to the translators for review. Do not blindly "fix" everything - translators' judgement is needed here. The printf and nplurals checks need to be clean though - printf errors can cause crashes.

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