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This page contains all the statistical information available about the 2016 tournament.

The tournament page with rules and other fluff is instead here


place player score bucholz match penalties
1 WorldSavior 4 16 1
2 king of nowhere 4 16 0
3 notabilis 4 14
4 Sirver 4 12
5 waylon531 3 14
6 Hasi50 3 14 -1
7 LAZA 3 11 -1
8 tando 2 16
9 trimard 2 12
10 auktionadmin 2 11
11 AlleyJazz 2 11 -1
12 kristin 2 8
13 gunchleoc 1 12
14 janus 1 10 -1
15 epicspartan098 1 6 -1
(retired) toptopple

--------- SECOND PHASE -----------

Games will be played on "archipelago sea" in teams of 2, with teams and starting positions changing at every game.

king of nowhere (blue) WorldSavior (green) 1-0 notabilis (yellow) Sirver (red)
WorldSavior (blue) notabilis (green) 1-0 Sirver (yellow) king of nowhere (red)
notabilis (blue) king of nowhere (yellow) vs Sirver (green) WorldSavior (red)

--------- FIFTH TURN -----------

Game will be played on "the pass through the mountains", win condition: autocrat (so far, it has been the less used of the 1v1 tournament maps, having been played only once in the 2010 tournament and once in the 2012 tournament)

- blue player tribe result red player tribe time
1 king of nowhere (4) ATL 0-1 WorldSavior (3) ATL wednesday 11 january 19 UTC
2 waylon531 (3) EMP 0-1 notabilis (3) ATL saturday 14 january 18 UTC
3 Sirver (3) EMP 1-0 tando (2) BAR friday 13 january 18:30 UTC
4 Hasi50 (2) ATL 1-0 kristin (2) BAR monday 2 january afternoon (exact time uncertain)
5 LAZA (2) RND 1-0 AlleyJazz (2) BAR thursday 5 january 19 UTC
6 trimard (1) ATL 1-0 gunchleoc (1) ATL
7 janus (1) BAR 0-0 epicspartan098 (1) EMP forfait
- auktionadmin (1) 1-0 forfait N/A

--------- FOURTH TURN -----------

Game will be played on "fjords" (unofficial map, downloadable at, win condition: autocrat (all the 1v1 maps were starting to feel overplayed, and I made a map for competitive 1v1 with very nice scenery, and could I really pass the opportunity to ship my map?)

- blue player tribe result red player tribe time
1 Sirver EMP 0-1 king of nowhere ATL wednesday 14 december at 19 UTC
2 WorldSavior ATL 1-0 LAZA RANDOM
3 notabilis ATL 1-0 Hasi50 ATL 22 december at 19 UTC
4 tando BAR 0-1 waylon531 EMP sunday 28 december 18:30 UTC
5 gunchleoc ATL 0-1 kristin BAR tuesday 13 december at 19:30 UTC
6 auktionadmin EMP 0-1 AlleyJazz BAR
7 epicspartan098 EMP 0-1 trimard ATL
8 janus BAR 1-0 forfait

--------- THIRD TURN -----------

Game will be played on "calvisson", win condition: wood gnome (I wanted to include a seafaring map, and I wanted to use a nonconventional win condition, so why not do both in the same game?)

- blue player tribe result red player tribe time
1 king of nowhere ATL 1-0 notabilis ATL tuesday 6 december 19 UTC
2 WorldSavior ATL 0-1 sirver EMP sunday 11 december 15 UTC
3 tando BAR 1-0 AlleyJazz BAR friday 19 UTC
4 Hasi50 ATL 1-0 auktionadmin EMP
5 waylon531 EMP 1-0 gunchleoc ATL tuesday 6 december 18:30 UTC
6 LAZA RANDOM 1-0 trimard ATL sunday 9 pm (timezone not specified)
7 kristin BAR 1-0 janus BAR
8 epicspartan098 EMP 1-0 forfait N/A

--------- SECOND TURN -----------

Game will be played on "checkmate A2", win condition: artifact (we have a new win condition, we should use it). We will use the refurbished map toptopple made: it can be found here

- blue player tribe result red player tribe time
- gunchleoc EMP 0-1 sirver EMP tuesday 18 november at 18 GMT
- king of nowhere ATL 1-0 toptopple ATL wednesday 30 november at 19 UTC
- notabilis ATL 1-0 tando BAR wednesday 30 november 18:30 UTC
- Hasi50 ATL 0-1 WorldSavior ATL
- trimard ATL 0-1 waylon531 EMP sunday 4 december 7:30 UTC
- janus BAR 0-1 LAZA RANDOM
- alleyjazz BAR 1-0 epicspartan098 EMP wednesday 30 november 22:30 UTC
- auktionadmin EMP 1-0 kristin ATL saturday 3 december 16:00 UTC

--------- FIRST TURN -----------

Game will be played on "crater", win condition: autocrat (a classic choice, for the first turn)

- blue player tribe result red player tribe time
- waylon531 (EMP) 0 - 1 king of nowhere (ATL) scheduled sunday 20 at 19:00 UTC
- sirver (EMP) 1 - 0 janus (BAR) played tuesday 15 at 20:15 UTC
- trimard (ATL) 0 - 1 notabilis (ATL) scheduled friday 18 at 17:00
- epicspartan098 (EMP) 0 - 1 gunchleoc (BAR) scheduled sunday 20 at 21:00 UTC
- kristin (ATL) 0 - 1 toptopple (ATL) played in two parts
- AlleyJazz (BAR) 0 - 1 Hasi50 (ATL)
- LAZA (RANDOM) 0 - 1 tando (BAR) scheduled friday 18 at 20:00 UTC
- WorldSavior (ATL) 1 - 0 auctionadmin (EMP) played tuesday 15 at 17:00 UTC.

----------RANKINGS PER TURN-----------

Ranking after round 4

place player score bucholz penalties
1 king of nowhere 4 10
2 Sirver 3 9
2 notabilis 3 9
4 WorldSavior 3 8
4 waylon531 3 8
6 tando 2 10
7 Hasi50 2 9 -1
8 LAZA 2 7 -1
9 AlleyJazz 2 6 -1
10 kristin 2 4
11 gunchleoc 1 9
12 trimard 1 9
13 auktionadmin 1 8
14 janus 1 7
15 epicspartan098 1 4

Ranking after round 3

place player score bucholz match penalties
1 king of nowhere 3 5
2 Sirver 3 3
3 WorldSavior 2 6
4 notabilis 2 5 1
5 tando 2 5 0
6 waylon531 2 4
7 Hasi50 2 4 -1
8 LAZA 2 2 -1
9 gunchleoc 1 6
10 auktionadmin 1 5
11 AlleyJazz 1 5 -1
12 epicspartan098 1 2
12 kristin 1 2
14 janus 0 6
14 trimard 0 6

Ranking after round 2

place player score bucholz penalties
1 king of nowhere 2 2
1 WorldSavior 2 2
3 notabilis 2 1
3 sirver 2 1
5 tando 1 3
6 Hasi50 1 3 -1
6 gunchleoc 1 2
6 toptopple (retired) 1 2
6 auktionadmin 1 2
6 waylon531 1 2
11 LAZA 1 1 -1
11 alleyjazz 1 1 -1
13 janus 0 3
13 trimard 0 3
15 kristin 0 2
15 epicspartan098 0 2

Ranking after round 1

place player score bucholz penalties
1 sirver 1 0
1 WorldSavior 1 0
1 notabilis 1 0
1 tando 1 0
1 toptopple 1 0
1 king of nowhere 1 0
1 gunchleoc 1 0
8 Hasi50 1 0 -1
9 janus 0 1
9 auktionadmin 0 1
9 trimard 0 1
9 kristin 0 1
9 waylon531 0 1
9 epicspartan098 0 1
15 LAZA 0 1 -1
15 AlleyJazz 0 1 -1

Penalties given:

  • LAZA, for not declaring the tribe he would play.
  • Hasi50, for not playing the first round within the allotted time
  • AlleyJazz, for not playing the first round within the allotted time

Full table

(an excel version of this will be made available after the tournament)


(an excel version of this will be made available after the tournament)

Player using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
AlleyJazz using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
BAR Hasi50 3 ATL 0 0 3
BAR epicspartan098 1 EMP 1 1 4
BAR tando 2 BAR 0 1 6
BAR auktionadmin 2 EMP 1 2 8
BAR LAZA 3 EMP 0 2 11
auktionadmin using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
EMP WorldSavior 4 ATL 0 0 4
EMP kristin 2 ATL 1 1 6
EMP Hasi50 3 ATL 0 1 9
EMP AlleyJazz 2 BAR 0 1 11
EMP forfait 0 N/A 1 2 11
epicspartan098 using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
EMP gunchleoc 1 BAR 0 0 1
EMP alleyjazz 2 BAR 0 0 3
EMP forfait 0 N/A 1 1 3
EMP trimard 2 ATL 0 1 5
EMP Janus 1 BAR forfait 1 6
gunchleoc using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
BAR epicspartan098 1 EMP 1 1 1
EMP sirver 4 EMP 0 1 5
ATL waylon531 3 EMP 0 1 8
ATL kristin 2 BAR 0 1 10
ATL trimard 2 ATL 0 1 12
Hasi50 using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL AlleyJazz 2 BAR 1 1 2
ATL WorldSavior 4 ATL 0 1 6
ATL auktionadmin 2 EMP 1 2 8
ATL notabilis 4 ATL 0 2 12
ATL kristin 2 BAR 1 3 14
janus using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
BAR sirver 4 EMP 0 0 4
BAR LAZA 3 EMP 0 0 7
BAR kristin 2 BAR 0 0 9
BAR forfait 0 N/A 1 1 9
BAR epicspartan098 1 EMP forfait 1 10
king of nowhere using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL waylon531 3 EMP 1 1 3
ATL toptopple 1 ATL 1 2 4
ATL notabilis 4 ATL 1 3 8
ATL Sirver 4 EMP 1 4 12
ATL WorldSavior 4 ATL 0 4 16
kristin using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL toptopple 1 ATL 0 0 1
ATL auktionadmin 2 EMP 0 0 3
BAR janus 1 BAR 1 1 4
BAR gunchleoc 1 ATL 1 2 5
BAR Hasi50 3 ATL 0 2 8
LAZA using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
BAR tando 2 BAR 0 0 2
EMP janus 1 BAR 1 1 3
RND trimard 2 ATL 1 2 5
BAR WorldSavior 4 ATL 0 2 9
EMP AlleyJazz 2 BAR 1 3 11
notabilis using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL trimard 2 ATL 1 1 2
ATL tando 2 BAR 1 2 4
ATL king of nowhere 4 ATL 0 2 8
ATL Hasi50 3 ATL 1 3 11
ATL waylon531 3 EMP 1 4 14
Sirver using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
EMP janus 1 BAR 1 1 1
EMP gunchleoc 1 EMP 1 2 2
EMP WorldSavior 4 ATL 1 3 6
EMP king of nowhere 4 ATL 0 3 10
EMP tando 2 BAR 1 4 12
tando using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
BAR LAZA 3 BAR 1 1 3
BAR notabilis 4 ATL 0 1 7
BAR AlleyJazz 2 BAR 1 2 9
BAR waylon531 3 EMP 0 2 12
BAR Sirver 4 EMP 0 2 16
toptopple using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL kristin 2 ATL 1 1 2
ATL king of nowhere 4 ATL 0 1 6
trimard using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL notabilis 4 ATL 0 0 4
ATL waylon531 3 EMP 0 0 7
ATL LAZA 3 RND 0 0 10
ATL epicspartan098 1 EMP 1 1 11
ATL gunchleoc 1 ATL 1 2 12
waylon531 using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
EMP king of nowhere 4 ATL 0 0 4
EMP trimard 2 ATL 1 1 6
EMP gunchleoc 1 ATL 1 2 7
EMP tando 2 BAR 1 3 10
EMP notabilis 4 ATL 0 3 14
WorldSavior using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL auktionadmin 2 EMP 1 1 2
ATL Hasi50 3 ATL 1 2 5
ATL sirver 4 EMP 0 2 9
ATL LAZA 3 BAR 1 3 12
ATL king of nowhere 4 ATL 1 4 16