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Replays can be watched with Build 20.

----------FINAL RANKING-----------

place player score bucholz match penalty
1 worldsavior 4.5 13.5
2 king of nowhere 4 17
3 the-x 3.5 16.5
4 mars 3 16.5
5 hessenfarmer 3 14.5
6 tando 3 14
7 kaputtnik 3 10.5
8 hasi50 3 9
9 ektor 2.5 9.5 1
10 modelllbahner 2.5 8.5 1
11 gunchleoc 2 15
12 trimard 2 13
13 watchcat 2 7
14 laza 1 12.5
15 janus 1 11.5

Full table

Player using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ektor using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
BAR hessenfarmer 3 ATL 0 0 1
BAR tando 3 BAR 0 0 2
N/A forfait 0 N/A 1 1 4
N/A modellbahnerTT 2.5 N/A 0.5 1.5 6.5
BAR janus 1 BAR 1 2.5 9.5
gunchleoc using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
EMP ModellbahnerTT 2.5 ATL 1 1 0
EMP worldsavior 4.5 ATL 0 1 3
N/A tando 3 N/A 0F 1 6
EMP watchcat 2 EMP 1 2 8.5
EMP kaputtnik 3 EMP 0 2 15
Hasi50 using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
N/A forfait 0 N/A 1 1 0
ATL mars 3 ATL 0 1 2
ATL hessenfarmer 3 EMP 0 1 4
ATL laza 1 BAR 1 2 7
ATL trimard 2 ATL 1 3 9
hessenfarmer using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL ektor 2.5 BAR 1 1 0
ATL king of nowhere 4 EMP 0 1 2
EMP Hasi 3 ATL 1 2 5
ATL trimard 2 ATL 1 3 8.5
BAR tando 3 BAR 0 3 14.5
janus using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
BAR worldsavior 4.5 EMP 0 0 1
ATL ModellbahnerTT 2.5 ATL 0 0 3
BAR watchcat 2 BAR 0 0 5
N/A forfait 0 N/A 1 1 6.5
BAR ektor 2.5 BAR 0 1 11.5
kaputtnik using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
EMP king of nowhere 4 ATL 0 0 1
N/A forfait 0 N/A 1 1 2
EMP laza 1 FRI 1 2 4
EMP the-x 3.5 ATL 0 2 7
EMP gunchleoc 2 EMP 1 3 10.5
king of nowhere using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL kaputtnik 3 EMP 1 1 0
EMP hessenfarmer 3 ATL 1 2 2
BAR the-x 3.5 ATL 1 3 6
ATL worldsavior 4.5 ATL 0 3 12
ATL mars 3 ATL 1 4 17
laza using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL trimard 2 ATL 0 0 1
EMP watchcat 2 ATL 1 1 1
FRI kaputtnik 3 EMP 0 1 5
BAR Hasi50 3 ATL 0 1 7
FRI modellbahnerTT 2.5 ATL 0 1 12.5
mars using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL watchcat 2 BAR 1 1 0
ATL hasi50 3 ATL 1 2 1
ATL worldsavior 4.5 FRI 0 2 5
ATL tando 3 BAR 1 3 9
ATL king of nowhere 4 ATL 0 3 16.5
ModellbahnerTT using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL gunchleoc 2 EMP 0 0 1
ATL janus 1 ATL 1 1 1
ATL trimard 2 ATL 0 1 3
N/A ektor 2.5 N/A 0.5 1.5 6.5
ATL laza 1 FRI 1 2.5 8.5
tando using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
BAR the-x 3.5 ATL 0 0 1
BAR ektor 2.5 BAR 1 1 2
N/A gunchleoc 2 N/A 1F 2 4
BAR mars 3 ATL 0 2 9.5
BAR hessenfarmer 3 BAR 1 3 14
the-x using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL tando 3 BAR 1 1 0
ATL trimard 2 ATL 1 2 2
ATL king of nowhere 4 BAR 0 2 7
ATL kaputtnik 3 EMP 1 3 9
N/A worldsavior 4.5 N/A 0.5 3.5 16.5
trimard using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
ATL laza 1 ATL 1 1 0
ATL the-x 3.5 ATL 0 1 3
ATL ModellbahnerTT 2.5 ATL 1 2 4
ATL hessenfarmer 3 ATL 0 2 8.5
ATL hasi50 3 ATL 0 2 13
watchcat using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
BAR mars 3 ATL 0 0 1
ATL laza 1 EMP 0 0 3
BAR janus 1 BAR 1 1 3
EMP gunchleoc 2 EMP 0 1 7
N/A forfait 0 N/A 1 2 7
worldsavior using tribe against player with final score using tribe result progressive Buch progressive
EMP janus 1 BAR 1 1 0
ATL gunchleoc 2 EMP 1 2 1
FRI mars 3 ATL 1 3 3
ATL king of nowhere 4 ATL 1 4 9
N/A the-x 3.5 N/A 0.5 4.5 13.5

--------- FIFTH TURN -----------

Game will be played on "ice wars", win condition: collectors

deadline for starting the game is sunday 18 august. Deadline for completing the game is sunday 25 august

- red player result black player time
- worldsavior X the-x scheduled sunday 11 august 13:30 CEST
- mars 0-1 king of nowhere Wednesday, August 14, 20:00 CEST
- hessenfarmer 0-1 tando
- gunchleoc 0-1 kaputtnik scheduled saturday 10 august at 20 CEST
- trimard 0-1 Hasi50 scheduled thursday 8 august at 28:30 CEST
- modellbahner 1-0 laza scheduled Sunday, 18th at 17 UTC
- janus 0-1 ektor scheduled tuesday 6 august 20:30 CEST
- watchcat 1-0 forfait

--------- FOURTH TURN -----------

Game will be played on "fjords" 1.2 version, (map downloadable at win condition: wood gnome

deadline for starting the game is sunday 28 july. Deadline for completing the game is sunday 4 august

- blue player result red player time
- worldsavior 1-0 king of nowhere scheduled monday 15 june 14:30 CEST
- the-x 1-0 kaputtnik scheduled saturday 13 july at 14 CEST
- hessenfarmer 1-0 trimard scheduled tuesday 23 july at 1 CEST
- mars 1-0 tando scheduled saturday 20 july at 19 CEST
- gunchleoc 1-0 watchcat scheduled wednesday July 24th, 18:45 CEST.
- laza 0-1 Hasi50 scheduled thursday 18 july at 13 CEST
- modellbahnerTT 0.5 - 0.5 ektor
- janus 1-0 forfait

--------- THIRD TURN -----------

Game will be played on "crossrivers", (map downloadable at win condition: artifacts

deadline for starting the game is sunday 14 july. Deadline for completing the game is sunday 21 july

- blue player result red player time
- worldsavior 1-0 mars scheduled monday 8 july 18 CEST
- king of nowhere 1-0 the-x scheduled saturday 6 july 14 CEST
- laza 0-1 kaputtnik scheduled sunday 7 july at 11 CEST
- hessenfarmer 1-0 Hasi50 scheduled sunday 7 july at 20 CEST
- trimard 1-0 modellbahnerTT scheduled sunday 7 july at 18 CEST
- tando 1-0 gunchleoc forfeit
- watchcat 1-0 janus
- ektor 1-0 forfait

--------- SECOND TURN -----------

Game will be played on "three warriors", win condition: autocrat

deadline for starting the game is sunday 7 july. Deadline for completing the game is sunday 14 july

- blue player result red player time
- king of nowhere 1-0 hessenfarmer scheduled monday 1 july 20:30 CEST
- gunchleoc 0-1 worldsavior scheduled tuesday 25 june 21:30 CEST
- mars 1-0 Hasi50 scheduled saturday 29 june 19 CEST
- trimard 0-1 the-x scheduled saturday 29 june 10 am CEST
- ModellbahnerTT 1-0 janus
- watchcat 0-1 laza scheduled saturday 29 june "maybe 3 pm"
- ektor 0-1 tando scheduled sunday 30 june at 20 CEST
- kaputtnik 1-0 forfait

--------- FIRST TURN -----------

Game will be played on "the thaw", win condition: territorial lord

deadline for starting the game is sunday 23 june. Deadline for completing the game is sunday 30 june

- red player tribe result yellow player tribe time
- king of nowhere ATL 1-0 kaputtnik EMP scheduled sunday 23 june 14:30 CEST
- gunchleoc EMP 1-0 ModellbahnerTT scheduled thursday june 20 20:00 CEST
- mars 1-0 watchcat scheduled thursday june 20 18:30 CEST
- trimard 1-0 laza
- hessenfarmer 1-0 ektor second session scheduled friday 21 june 21:30 CEST
- the-x 1-0 tando
- worldsavior 1-0 janus scheduled monday 17 june at 23 CEST
- Hasi50 1-0 forfait

----------RANKING AFTER ROUND 4-----------

place player score bucholz match penalty
1 worldsavior 4 9
2 king of nowhere 3 12
3 mars 3 9
3 the-x 3 9
5 hessenfarmer 3 8.5
6 tando 2 9.5
7 gunchleoc 2 8.5
7 trimard 2 8.5
9 Hasi50 2 7
9 kaputtnik 2 7
11 ektor 1.5 6.5 0.5 1
11 modelllbahnerTT 1.5 6.5 0.5 1
13 laza 1 7 1
14 watchcat 1 7 0
15 janus 1 6.5

----------RANKING AFTER ROUND 3-----------

place player score bucholz match
1 king of nowhere 3 6
2 worldsavior 3 3
3 the-x 2 7
4 hessenfarmer 2 5
4 mars 2 5
6 kaputtnik 2 4
6 tando 2 4
6 trimard 2 4
9 gunchleoc 1 6
10 laza 1 5
11 Hasi50 1 4
12 ektor 1 4
12 modellbahnertt 1 3
13 watchcat 1 3
15 janus 0 5

----------RANKING AFTER ROUND 2-----------

place player score bucholz match
1 king of nowhere 2 2
1 the-x 2 2
3 mars 2 1
3 worldsavior 2 1
5 gunchleoc 1 3
5 trimard 1 3
7 Hasi50 1 2
7 hessenfarmer 1 2
7 kaputtnik 1 2
7 tando 1 2
11 modellbahnerTT 1 1
11 laza 1 1
13 watchcat 0 3
13 janus 0 3
15 extor 0 2