
Wi Hack 2011

General informations

What it is

You make a tradition by repeating an otherwise singular event. Here goes the tradition of the WiHack. WiHack stands for either of the following:

  • Widelands International Hacking and Coding (in) Karlsruhe 2011
  • Widelands' International House of Affiliates Conference Karlsruhe 2011
  • Widelands: Intense Hours of Advancement Conference Karlsruhe 2011

The idea is that players and developers can meet to play and advance Widelands together. Players of all ages/experience are welcome. The same for developers: experienced developers will be present at the meeting that have worked a lot on Widelands but complete newcomers are also very welcome to join in and we will help them to get up to speed quickly. See below for some projects that we plan to advance at the WiHack 2011.

Participating in the WiHack is free and everybody is welcome!

When / Where does it take place

The WiHack 2010 Reloaded will take place from the 4. of November (afternoon) - 6. of November (evening) at the rooms of the Entropia Karlsruhe e.V, Karlsruhe Germany:

Entropia e.V.
Steinstraße 23
76133 Karlsruhe

You can find directions to the rooms here. There's also a link to Google Maps and Open StreetMap.


The cheapest way to sleep is at the Entropia: bring your sleeping pad and sleeping bags and lay down. There is also one shower. There are plenty of hotels and also a Jugendherberge for more expensive but more refreshing accommodation. Lastly, you can try to ask locals for a nice place to sleep; best be asking in the forum thread.

Travel information

Karlsruhe is easily reachable by train. From the Hauptbahnhof, you can take nearly all S-Bahns (at least S1, S4, S11 and the 2) to the Marktplatz/Pyramide. From there, you go straightly east into the Zähringerstraße, two roads later, you turn right into the Adlerstraße. The next crossroad, you will be on a small plaza with a fountain. Cross this plaza; there is a big gate which already has some signs leading to the Entropia and the Café Palaver (and other stuff). Enter this gate and you come into a small courtyard, enter the house on the left and you are at the WiHack 2010 Reloaded.

Try to ask in the forum thread if you search others to travel together.


  • Deciding whether to adopt the concept of "Caserns" or "Barracks" for the creation of LVL0 soldiers. A summary for initial orientation is here.
  • Discussion over bimonthly community poll as suggested by SirVer here.
  • Bug fixing, multiplayer scenarios and second atlantian scenario.
  • Discuss immovables on triangles as mentioned here.

I will show up

  • Holger (SirVer)
  • Matthias (Shevonar)
  • Nicolai (ixprefect, nha)
  • Joachim (nomeata)
Tagged with: community