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Wiki: Recent Changes

October 4

Action Article At User Comment
Modified The Barbarians Tribe 2010-10-04, 21:58 Kristin added link to soldierlevels
Modified The Atlanteans Tribe 2010-10-04, 21:57 Kristin added link to soldierlevels
Modified GameHelpmilitaryAndWarfare 2010-10-04, 21:55 Kristin added link to SoldierLevels, style fix in lists

October 3

Action Article At User Comment
Modified The Empire Tribe 2010-10-03, 22:19 Kristin added spoiler warning
Modified The Barbarians Tribe 2010-10-03, 22:19 Kristin added spoiler warning
Modified The Atlanteans Tribe 2010-10-03, 22:18 Kristin added spoiler warning
Modified SoldierLevels 2010-10-03, 19:42 Kristin fixed fault in attack random explanation
Modified The Tribes 2010-10-03, 18:31 Nasenbaer added Spoiler warning to story links - actually we discussed this at least two times and each time we cam to the conclusion, that the Story links shoul NOT be added (because they are spoilers and because they hold outdated drafts for the campaign, but not the up to date campaign data)
Modified The Tribes 2010-10-03, 16:49 Kristin added links to storyboards and mentioned tutorials
Modified The Tribes 2010-10-03, 16:35 Kristin removed double content, added links to pages of the tribes
Modified The Atlanteans Tribe 2010-10-03, 16:21 Kristin added link to GameHelpAtlantean (with another text traiting this tribe)
Modified GameHelpatlanteans 2010-10-03, 16:19 Kristin link to AtlanteansPage (which contains another description of the Atlanteans)
Modified The Atlanteans Tribe 2010-10-03, 16:05 Kristin added links
Modified SoldierLevels 2010-10-03, 16:05 SirVer typos and small corrections.
Modified The Atlanteans Tribe 2010-10-03, 16:04 Kristin added emblem, pdf of economy network and links
Modified AtlanteanStory 2010-10-03, 15:52 SirVer The brainstorming here is starting to come together in a branch. Remove the data here so that not two slightly different storylines are floating around.
Modified The Empire Tribe 2010-10-03, 15:45 Kristin history with link to barbarians
Modified The Empire Tribe 2010-10-03, 15:41 Kristin added history (from GameHelpimperials), link to economy network pdf, other links
Modified The Empire Tribe 2010-10-03, 15:20 Kristin
Modified The Barbarians Tribe 2010-10-03, 15:18 Kristin typo