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Wiki: Recent Changes

March 5

Action Article At User Comment
Modified WLTournamentTwentyTen 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WLTournamentTwentyTwelve 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WLTournamentTwentyThirteen 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WLTournamentTwentySixteen 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WikiSyntax 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WLTournamentTwentyFifteen 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WikiSandbox 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WikiHelp 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WiHackTwentyTen 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WiHackTwentyTenReloaded 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WiHackTwentyEleven 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WidelandsGoingCMake 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WidelandsHosting 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WidelandsFaqPlaying 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified WLTournament2016FullStatistics 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified UsabilityWareSorting 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified TranslationMaintenance 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified TranslatingWidelands 2017-03-05, 20:29 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified The Tribes 2017-03-05, 20:28 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax
Modified The Widelands Project 2017-03-05, 20:28 wl_bot Autochange: Convert wikilinks to new syntax