Changes in BlueprintFreshMeat
Revision Differences of Revision 7
# Blueprint: Fresh Meat ¶¶
[TOC] ¶
## Idea ¶
In widelands currently all tribes have different food preferences: Atlanteans are using fish as primary, replenishable resource, additionally to that they are using meat from wild game they may find. Barbarians are hunting wild game they replenish for primary food supply and are using fish from the plenty seas and ocean they come across. The Empire produces meat from pigs which is expensive, effective but not unlimited since the resources (water) are plenty but not replenishable, and fish from the seas and ocean. ¶
This blueprint is not about changing, but about enhancing those differences. ¶
## Links ¶
* []( ¶
* []( ¶
## Things to change as overview (from player point of view): ¶
* Meat from wild game gives 1 or 2 meat depending on animal size. ¶
We have to go through all animals on all worlds and classify them as small or large. With animals we would consider medium, we can use the amount of expectable consumable meat, or the animal pack size which usually can be found. ¶
The large animals are classified with a new attribute, like meat2 instead of meat. ¶
We will have to review the hunter working cycles to compensate for less huntable game, and we will probably have to add a few more animals to the worlds by default. ¶
* Only Barbarians can hunt large animals. ¶
The Barbarian hunter program gets additional routines to hunt for meat2 attribute, skipping instead of failing work if not found. Of course, reckless Barbarian hunters choose to take down large animals instead of small ones if they have a choice! ¶
* Empire Pigs gives 2 meat. ¶
Pig farmer worker program cycle needs to accomodate the double resource outcome. The cost for a meat unit must not be changed, so we have to increase the required numbers for the farm program. ¶
* Atlantean fishers produce 2 fish. ¶
Atlanteans are fishing with nets instead of the old fishing rods of the other tribes. They are of course more efficient. So make them produce two fish units per turn. Of course, the balancing should be kept as is, so the workimg cycle must be modified. Atlantean fishers choose to have more spare time. ¶
* Fishing default resources should be reviewed and a little reduced. ¶
* New Empire building: water works. This replenishes water resources to make unlimited meat production possible. ¶
* Water default resources should be reviewed and a little reduced. ¶
## Meat and Fish in the ingame economy ¶
### Atlanteans ¶
#### Meat producer ¶
* Hunter ¶
#### Meat consumer ¶
* Smokery -> Dungeon/Labyrinth/Mines (as Smoked Meat) ¶
#### Meat replenisher ¶
* NO ¶
#### Fish producer ¶
* Fisher ¶
* program cycle average (29s) ¶
* sleep 16s ¶
* walk 5s (3s-8s) ¶
* fishing 3s ¶
* walk 5s ¶
* produce 1 fish ¶
* output per hour: 124,1 fish ¶
#### Fish consumer ¶
* Smokery -> Dungeon/Labyrinth/Mines (as Smoked Meat) ¶
#### Fish replenisher ¶
* Fishkeeper ¶
### Barbarian ¶
#### Meat producer ¶
* Hunter ¶
#### Meat consumer ¶
* Tavern/Inn/Big Inn -> Mines (as Ration/Snack/Meal) ¶
* Trainingscamp/Battlearena ¶
#### Meat replenisher ¶
* Gamekeeper ¶
#### Fish producer ¶
* Fisher ¶
* program cycle average (31s) ¶
* sleep 18s ¶
* walk 5s (3s-8s) ¶
* fishing 3s ¶
* walk 5s ¶
* produce 1 fish ¶
* output per hour: 116 fish ¶
#### Fish consumer ¶
* Tavern/Inn/Big Inn -> Mines (as Ration/Snack/Meal) ¶
* Trainingscamp/Battlearena ¶
#### Fish replenisher ¶
* NO ¶
### Empire ¶
#### Meat producer ¶
* Hunter ¶
* Piggery ¶
#### Meat consumer ¶
* Trainingscamp/Collosseum ¶
* Tavern/Inn -> Mines (as Ration/Meal) ¶
#### Meat replenisher ¶
* NO ¶
#### Fish producer ¶
* Fisher ¶
* program cycle average (30s) ¶
* sleep 16s ¶
* walk 5s (3s-8s) ¶
* fishing 3s ¶
* walk 5s ¶
* produce 1 fish ¶
* output per hour: 120 fish ¶
#### Fish consumer ¶
* Trainingscamp/Collosseum ¶
* Tavern/Inn -> Mines (as Ration/Meal) ¶
#### Fish replenisher ¶
* NO