Changes in Building Widelands in Visual Studio
Editor Comment
Replace dependency boost with asio
Revision Differences of Revision 6
This article explains how to use Microsoft Visual Studio to build and develop Widelands on Windows ¶¶
## Prerequisites ¶
- Install [python]( ¶
- Install [Visual Studio]( together with the English language pack (required for vcpkg). ¶
- Download and install [vcpkg]( ¶
+ Run `bootstrap-vcpkg.bat -disableMetrics` first. ¶
+ Then run `vcpkg integrate install` to integrate vcpkg with Visual Studio. ¶
+ Install all dependencies (Note the selected static triplet): ¶
`vcpkg install --triplet=x64-windows-static
+ If you want to save space, you can safely delete the `buildtrees` folder. ¶
- Download the latest static release zip of [gettext]( ¶
+ Extract the contained `bin` folder to `[vcpkg]/installed/x64-windows-static/bin` ¶
## Project configuration ¶
- Copy `utils/win32/CMakeSettings.json` to the top level directory to use with Visual Studio. ¶
- Launch Visual Studio and select the Widelands root as workspace. ¶
+ CMake should automatically start parsing the project and picking up the vcpkg toolchain file. ¶
+ Then start compilation ¶
- Copy `utils/win32/launch.vs.json` to the `.vs/` directory as start-configuration. ¶
## Troubleshooting ¶
- vcpkg fails to build a package ¶
+ mpg123: `vcpkg --triplet=x64-windows-static install yasm-tool:x86-windows` ¶
+ remove the package (or its dependency parent) from the install list and install it separately afterwards. vcpkg sometimes has problems resolving dependency chains. ¶
+ search for the package in the [issue list]( and see, if a recent update broke it.