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Changes in BuildingWidelandsUnderWindowsNew

Old Title

Editor Comment

First draft

Revision Differences of Revision 1

## How to build Widelands with !MinGW64 on windows ¶

This is currently a work in progress! ¶

[TOC] ¶

# Download files ¶
## Nuwen's !MinGW64 distro ¶

Download the main distro from and the MSYS package: ¶

* ¶
* ¶

## SDL2 source packages ¶
* SDL2 ¶
* SDL2_net ¶
* SDL2_mixer ¶
* SDL2_image ¶
* SDL2_gfx ¶

## Additional libraries ¶
* libvorbis ¶
* libogg ¶
* libiconv ¶
* gettext ¶
* freetype ¶

# Building ¶

* Use the self-extracting installer of Nuwen's and extract the distro to C:\MinGW ¶
* Extract MSYS manually to c:\msys-10.4 ¶
* Open the distro window with C:\MinGW\open_distro_window.bat ¶
* Change the directory with "cd c:\msys-10.4" and call extract.bat ¶
* Start MSYS with msys.bat ¶

You are now in a linux like shell, so the command syntax is a bit different than normal windows commands