Changes in BuildingWidelandsUnderWindowsNew
Editor Comment
Added some formatting
Revision Differences of Revision 5
This is currently a work in progress! ¶
[TOC] ¶
# Download files ¶
## Nuwen's !MinGW64 distro ¶
Download the main distro from []( and the MSYS package: ¶
* [mingw-12.1.exe](
* [msys-10.4.7z]( ¶
## SDL2 source packages ¶
* [SDL2]( ¶
* [SDL2_net]( ¶
* [SDL2_mixer]( ¶
* [SDL2_image]( ¶
* [SDL2_gfx]( ¶
## Additional libraries ¶
* [libvorbis]( ¶
* [libogg]( ¶
* [libiconv]( ¶
* [gettext]( ¶
* [freetype]( ¶
# Building all libraries ¶
* Use the self-extracting installer of Nuwen's and extract the distro to *C:\\MinGW* ¶
* Extract MSYS manually to *c:\\msys-10.4* ¶
* Open the distro window with *C:\\MinGW\\open_distro_window.bat* ¶
* Change the directory with "cd c:\\msys-10.4" and call *extract.bat* ¶
* Start MSYS with *msys.bat* ¶
You are now in a linux like shell, so the command syntax is a bit different than normal windows commands ¶
* Extract all source packages to *c:\\msys-10.4\\home\\<username>\\* ¶
* Build each package with "./configure --prefix=/c/mingw && make install" ¶
# Download CMake and Ninja ¶
* Download [Ninja
* Download [CMAKE
# Getting Widelands source code ¶
# Building Widelands ¶
We will build ninja in the normal distro window and not in the MSYS shell: ¶
* Switch to the directory you'll want to build widelands in, e.g. *C:\\wl_build* ¶
* run CMAKE "cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=C:\\Mingw c:\\bzr\\widelands\\trunk" ¶
* Just call "ninja" to build now