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Changes in Building_Widelands_on_macOS

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Revision Differences of Revision 1

#Installing the Developer Tools/Xcode ¶
First you need to install a compiler. You should do this by installing Xcode. ¶
Developer Tools are on the Mac OSX install Disk. You can also download it from the Apple Developer Connection web site (free registration required), although it is over 900MB in size. This includes, amongst many other things, gcc, which is the compiler that are used by most opensource projects, including Widelands. ¶

#Installing required libraries ¶
In order to build Widelands from source you need to have installed some libraries which it depends upon. Depending upon your local installation you maybe also want to install a(nother) version control system like bzr to obtain the lastest trunk source of Widelands. ¶

##Using [MacPorts]( ¶
[The MacPorts Project]( is an open-source community initiative to design an easy-to-use system for compiling, installing, and upgrading open-source software on the Mac OS X operating system. As you will install libraries in your system dirs, you'll need to do so as Administrator via the command sudo - which will require you to enter the administrator password. Further information regarding sudo can be found on [wikipedia]( ¶

###Installing libraries with [MacPorts]( ¶
Before installing any libraries, make sure you have access to the latest ports by updating the local repository: ¶

*sudo port selfupdate* ¶

*sudo port install \\* ¶
*gettext \\* ¶
*libpng \\* ¶
*zlib \\* ¶
*jpeg \\* ¶
*libvorbis \\* ¶
*freetype \\* ¶
*libsdl_image \\* ¶
*libsdl_mixer \\* ¶
*libsdl \\* ¶
*libsdl_net \\* ¶
*libsdl_sound \\* ¶
*libsdl_ttf \\* ¶
*libsdl_gfx \\* ¶
*boost \\* ¶
*lua \\* ¶

###To geht the newest source we need [bzr]( ¶
*sudo port install bzr* ¶

###In order to install widelands we need [cmake]( ¶
*sudo port install cmake* ¶

###Getting the newest source ¶
bzr get lp:widelands ¶

###Go to WidelandsGoingCMake