Changes in ContactPage

Editor Comment


Revision Differences of Revision 9

## Contacts ¶
### Mailing lists
SeThe MeailLsiasts ¶

Bugway reports ¶

o sget in contact with the Rpoeple how create widelangBugds_ ¶

ise report bugso usinge the Launchpad [Bug TForackerum]( Bugs committed there are othenr kways to get in cowntact: ¶

Mailindg wlilsts ¶
See Mai
lLists ¶

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If you find a bug in this wiki (broken links or typos), feel free to fix it yourself; this is a wiki after all
. ¶

### Forums ¶

You are also invited to join the general discussions on the forums here on this site
. ¶

### IRC ¶

Players and developers can meet on the #widelands channel of the !FreeNode network ¶

[irc://](irc:// ¶

you can directly join our chat with the Java client installed on our website: [IRC Chat]( ¶

### Webmaster ¶

If you found a technical problem with the page, found some spam somewhere or want some news (of course about Widelands) to be published, then you best write our project leader [Holger Rapp]( ¶