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Changes in Development

Old Title


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Fixed the link

Revision Differences of Revision 2

# Development ¶
This page was splitted from
http://wl.w[MainPage#develands.orgpment](/wiki/MainPage/#development). ¶

#### Contents ¶
[TOC] ¶

[List of developers](/wiki/DevelopersPage/) ¶

As these pages can change very fast and are uninteresting for end-users and more than one version can spread confusion between the developers, these pages must stay untranslated, and be kept **only** in English language. ¶

### General ¶

* [Reporting Bugs](../ReportingBugs) ¶
* [Debugging Desyncs](../DebuggingDesyncs) ¶
* [Wanna Help?](../WannaHelp) ¶
* [Translating Widelands](../TranslatingWidelands) ¶
* [Translating the Wiki](../TranslatingTheWiki) - How to translate the wiki. ¶
* [Uploading and Updating Images in the Wiki](../UploadingAndUpdatingImagesInTheWiki) - A short !HowTo ¶
* [Building Widelands](../BuildingWidelands) ¶
* [Releasing Widelands](../ReleasingWidelands) ¶
* [Changelog](/changelog) ¶
* [Roadmap](../RoadMap) ¶
* [Widelands' Map File](../WidelandsMapFile) ¶

### Programmers ¶

* SourceCodeRepositoryPolicy ¶
* AboutSourceCodeDocumentation ¶
* [Guidelines for writing good C++ sourcecode]( ¶
* [About Geometry]( ¶
* ResourceMining (draft) ¶
* GameServerProtocol (draft) ¶
* AboutBattle (draft) ¶
* LandUsagePlans (draft) ¶
* [Transport system design]( (draft) ¶
* WorkerDistribution (draft) ¶
* GenericMovementSuggestions (draft) ¶
* AiImprovements (draft) ¶
* EditorPlans (draft) ¶

### Creator of game content ¶

* DevelopmentgameContent - Developer information about game data. ¶
* WidelandsArtEthics ¶
* BlenderPerspective ¶
* AboutColors ¶
* AboutAudio ¶
* CampaignUi ¶
* TriggerAndEventsReference ¶
* [Productionsite Program Reference]( ¶
* ImmovableProgramReference ¶
* MarkupReferenceForRichtexts ¶
* Player colours [(PDF)]( -> down ¶
* [Game Arts Subversion repository](