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# Development ¶

[TOC] ¶

[List of developers](/developers) ¶

As these pages can change very fast and are uninteresting for end-users and more than one version can spread confusion between the developers, these pages must stay untranslated, and be kept **only** in English language. ¶

### General ¶

* [[ ReportingBugs | Reporting Bugs ]] ¶
* [[ DebuggingDesyncs | Debugging Desyncs ]] ¶
* [[ Contribute | Contribute ]] ¶
* [[ TranslatingWidelands | Translating Widelands ]] ¶
* [[ TranslatingTheWiki | Translating the Wiki ]] - How to translate the wiki. ¶
* [[ UploadingImagesInTheWiki | Uploading Images in the Wiki ]] - A short HowTo ¶
* [[ BuildingWidelands | Building Widelands ]] ¶
* [[ TestingBranches/ | Testing W
Iidelands ]] ¶
* [[ ReleasingWidelands | Releasing Widelands ]] ¶
* [Changelog](/changelog) ¶
* [[ RoadMap | Roadmap ]] ¶
* [[ LuaScripting | Scripting using Lua ]] ¶
* [[ TriagingBugs | Triaging Bugs ]] ¶

### Programmers ¶

* [[ SourceCodeRepositoryPolicy ]] ¶
* [[ AboutSourceCodeDocumentation ]] ¶
* [[ BzrPrimer ]] - a short introductury to bzr, which we use for our version controlling ¶
* [[ RegressionTests | Codecheck and Regression Tests ]] ¶
* [About Geometry]( ¶
* [[ ResourceMining ]] (draft) ¶
* [[ AboutBattle ]] (draft) ¶
* [[ LandUsagePlans ]] (draft) ¶
* [Transport system design]( (draft) ¶
* [[ WorkerDistribution ]] (draft) ¶
* [[ GenericMovementSuggestions ]] (draft) ¶
* [[ StockLevels ]] (draft) ¶
* [[ AiImprovements ]] (draft) ¶
* [[ EditorPlans ]] (draft) ¶
* [[ GoogleSummerofCode ]] ¶
* [[ StatisticsSavedOnMetaServer ]] (blueprint) ¶
* [[ AiLuaFramework ]] (blueprint) ¶
* [[ IrcBridgeImprovements ]] (blueprint) ¶

### Creator of game content ¶

* [[ GettingStarted | Getting Started As a Creator of Game Content ]] ¶
* [[ DevelopmentgameContent ]] - Developer information about game data. ¶
* [[ WidelandsArtEthics ]] ¶
* [[ BlenderPerspective ]] ¶
* [[ AboutColors ]] ¶
* [[ AboutAudio ]] ¶
* [[ CampaignUi ]] ¶
* [Productionsite Program Reference]( ¶
* [[ ImmovableProgramReference ]] ¶
* [[ MarkupReferenceForRichtexts ]] ¶
* [Game Arts Bzr Repository](