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Editor Comment

Minor changes to info on svn, something about precompiled packages

Revision Differences of Revision 10

# Download ¶

## Builds (pre-compiled packages) ¶

Widelands is using the hosting services of [Source Forge]( ¶

### Windows ¶

Download the setup file named Widelands-build*XX*-win32.exe from [downloads]( ¶
Double-click it and follow the instructions. ¶
Afterwards simply start Widelands by clicking on that icon. ¶

### Linux ¶

__Note:__It is likely, that there are pre-compiled packages for your Distribution. Widelands is tracked by any major Linux distribution. ¶

Download tarball named Widelands-build*XX*-linuxi386.tar.gz from [downloads]( ¶
Unpack the BZIP2 (tar -xvjf ) or ZIP file. ¶
Enter the newly created directory (cd widelands). ¶
Start the executable (./widelands). ¶

### Mac OS X ¶

Download disk image named Widelands-build*XX*.dmg from [downloads]( ¶
Open the Disk Image; copy the executable to your local disk. Double click to run. ¶

## Source Code ¶

### Build ¶

The packages containing the tag _source_ are the source packages for this release, they usually come in two flavors: ZIP and TAR.BZ2. Both archives contain exactly the same content. ¶

Download the source of a build number at the [downloads page]( Note that you have to download the binary package as well, since they contain the data files needed to play Widelands. ¶

### Subversion (SVN) ¶

If you plan to join development or are just interested in the latest inventions ¶
you should go for this.
All yYou __need isto have__ SVN with SSL installed, to check-out the trunk. Type in the ¶
console: ¶

svn co widelands ¶

(it might not) SVN asks you if it should accept the certificate of our SVN server, say (p)ermanently. ¶

After downloading the source, you might want to check BuildingWidelands for
a !HowTo on building. ¶

Precompiled packages ¶

There are also some of
trunk (latest unstable version). If you don't want to, or don't know how to compile, you can download and use these. ¶

#### Linux ¶
[Azagtoth](/profile/Azagtoth) provides daily builds of svn. Just go to []( Some browsers might say something about invalid certificate. Just add it, and don't worry about it. ¶

#### Windows ¶
[Tino](/profile/Tino) provides daily (or even more often compiled) builds. These can be found at [](