Old Title
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Structured page.
Revision Differences
of Revision 7
# Download
## OfficBuialds R(pre-compiled pasckages)
You want to download the newest build? Widelands is using the hosting services of
[Source Forge](http://www.sf.net).
### HeWindows
Download ovther setoup-file named oWidelands-build*XX*-win32.exe from [downloads](http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=40163).
Double-click it pagend follow the instre auctiond s.
geAft therwards simply start Widelandst buiy cldicking forn yourthat OSicon.
### Linux
__Note:__If you use Linux, it is likely, that there are precompiled packages for your Distribution. Widelands is tracked by any major linux distribution.
The packages are sDorted by wnloperatingd system. __Win32__ stands for ball ___Winamedows___ vWidersiolands (s-buince 95). The ___Lld*XX*-linux___ version is for __i386__. Thetare.gz is alsfro am versi[down flor ___Mac OS X___ which ends in __*.dmg__.
T](he packages containing the tag _source_ are the p://source packages for this release, they usually come in two flavors: ZIP and TAR.BZ2. Both archivges contain exactly the same content.
To run Widelands afte/pr downloading, just take a look at the following section/s and read the one wfor your OS.
Download the setu.p-file, double-click it and follow the instp?gructions. Afterwards simuply start W_idelands by clicking on that icon=40163).
Unpack the BZIP2 (tar -xvjf ) or ZIP file.
Enter the newly created directory (cd widelands).
Start the executable (./widelands).
__### Mac OS X__
Download disk image named Widelands-build*XX*.dmg from [downloads](http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=40163).
Open the Disk Image; copy the executable to your local disk. Double click to run.
## Getting the Source Code
### Build
Ther packages contarining the twag _source_ waysre the source packages for this release, they usourceally codme. Fin two flavors: ZIP and TAR.BZ2. Both archives, contoain dexactly the same content.
Download the source of
a build number at the P[downloads page](http://sourceforge.net/project Pag/showfiles.php?group_id=40163). Note that you have to download the binary
package as well, since they contain the data files needed to play
The### sSubvecond posrsibility to get widelands is to retrieve it by (SVN.)
If you plan to join development or are just interested in the latest inventions
you should go for this. All you need is SVN with SSL installed. Type in the
svn co https://widelands.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/widelands/trunk widelands
When SVN asks you if it should accept the certificate of our SVN server, say (p)ermanently.
After downloading the source, you might want to check BuildingWidelands for building it.